The Great Ginger Rebellion at Wilderness

16 Men gathered in the cold, dark gloom at Wilderness to endure an old-school Burner Beatdown.  Some of the PAX had a different agenda though…  If you have never felt the wrath of an upset red-head before it is a sight to behold.  The rage that has built up inside of them over the years is not often released, but when it it is, you'd better GET OUT OF THE WAY!! 

We'll go through the workout first…


Side-Straddle-Hop x20 I.C.

Imperial Storm Trooper x20 I.C.

Cotton Picker x20 I.C.

Mountain Climber x20 I.C.

Merkins x10 I.C.

Mosey to Queen's Corner for Curb Merkins (one hand on curb, the other on road)

Right hand on curb x10 I.C.

Left hand on curb x10 I.C.     (This where one red-head starts to get angry)

Mosey to the circle for some Shark Hunting!    

15 burpees, run lap around circle            (Ginger Rage is starting)

20 diamond merkins, run lap around circle

20 WWII sit-ups, run lap around circle

20 regular merkins, run lap around circle

20 scorpion dry-docks, run lap around circle  


Scoop up what is left of the integrity of the workout and mosey to the Hill.

Ladder:  3 burpees at bottom of hill, quadrofilia up hill, 10 jump-squats, regular run down hill.  Continue this doing 3 burpees at the bottom EACH TIME and decrease the jump-squats by one each time until you get to 1.                (ALL CONTROL IS LOST)

Mosey back to the circle for THE BURPEE

Mosey back to the parking lot, circle up (almost, thanks 9-Lives) around the tree for:


Bicycle including, one-leg low-dolly (8 each leg I.C.), Homer to Marge, Low Flutter (15 I.C.)


Burnt Moleskin:

  • By the end of the workout there may have been half of the PAX actually doing what was called due to the spread of the Ginger Rebellion.
  • The Rebellion reached a fever pitch when Jenny announced at the Repeato in the circle, "I'M NOT DOING THAT, I'M  ONLY DOING 8 EXERCISES!  YOU GOT THAT?! NOW YOU GO AND PUT THAT IN YOUR F*(#&$G BACKBLAST!!" So much anger.
  • Not to be outdone though, Mini-Me joined in The Rebellion as he stuck with his fellow Red-Head.  Other members of the PAX joined in also…
  • At the Hill I'm not sure what happened as Mumblechatter was replaced with complete disdain for YHC at that point.  Also, everyone was trying to keep footing and not break something going down that slipper hill.  #DISCLAIMER
  • The Force had a wonderful suggestion to do more burpees at the circle on the way back to do Mary.  We only did 1 though.  Sorry to disappoint, will do more next time!
  • Toxic is now a runner.  Just throwing that out there as he was pushing pace on the last mosey as he announced he had "not run yet that morning" so this shows the first step in his transformation.  Maybe you will leave the bricks at home next time you Q?
  • 9-Lives and Mini-Me met The Standard with YHC and offered several suggestions for the workout.  I didn't take any of them.
  • T-Claps to Olaf for bringing out the FNG (Kevin) this morning and Great Job by both of you, especially since Kevin didn't have any gloves…
  • Amen gave up going to workout with Tweetsie for #PreacherWeek to join me at Wilderness.  Awesome job Bro and great having you out there!
  • Gnarly Goat was adorned in a head to toe grey sweatsuit this morning and resisted the temptation to join the rebellion.  Great Work!
  • Always great to see Sweet C out there and Amoeba as these are guys I've worked out with for 4 years now and they continue to get up early to come out and push themselves.  Plus I know Sweet C loves The Sharknado, so we gave a nod to that this morning as well.
  • Strong work by Ultraman, Tagless, Country Club, and Gang Green also and great to see you all this morning!
  • Thanks to The Force for the opportunity to Q and to Jolly Roger for voluntelling me to do it.  Great to have him out there this morning as well!  (wait a minute…)
  • Some of the PAX may have noticed the strong incomplete combustion smell this morning (along with the rest of Huntersville).  That, my friends, is the air freshening scent of The Suburban driving around!  If you have not experienced this yet, I suggest you do.  Mini-Me was kind enough to give me a ride this morning ensuring I would not need to set my alarm as I was awoken by him starting it up in Stephens Grove (a few miles away, so well within ear-shot).  The ride was smooth and no need for those pesky shoulder belts in this bad-boy (add-on option for the rich of the 70's).  No, no, you are free to roam around on the bench seat in the front.  You can probably fit at least 4 people comfortably up there, but there are more rows in the back!  One (yes one) back door opens the way to the apartment-sized back to this cavernous motorized wonder.  Needless to say, the ride to the workout was wonderful.  I was worried when the Ginger Rage threatened to take away my ride home in it, but I was spared!  Two gas-station stops later, we were at Redemption and I was dropped off back home.  I'm still a little light headed, which could be the fumes, but probably the giddiness of my experience.  To quote Ferris Bueller, "If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up."
  • Oh and "Suck It" Pierogi! 
  • Happy and Humbled to be a part of such an outstanding group of men!