The Hangover Numbers greater than Foundry this week…not that it matters

Event Date

Jul 27, 2018

zoolander (my 2.0) and Uncle Coco in attendance as well – pushing the count to 5 and 1 more than the Foundry this week…i think i'm on to something here!


I picked up an eager PAX of Uncle Coco and United and has Zoolander in the car already.  It's soccer season and it's time to put down his fortnite training and get after it…so we commence over to lake forest

as typical with the Hangover, i'm not expecting big numbers, but glad to have a couple FNG's that at least came out and a Kotter.  Still trying

Good to have the limited small number of Foundry PAX there to talk to us prior to getting started.

But with limited numbers from the neighborhood sometimes we consider maybe not pushing too hard, but alas, Chestnut arrives and he just looked like he came for an arse kicking, so we got after it.


DId that a little bit

The Thang:

Grab a block

  • 3 burpees with jumping over the block after each one
  • run 100 yards
  • 10 jump squats
  • run back
  • 5 burpees jumping over blocks
  • Curls x 30
  • run 100 yards
  • 15 jump squats
  • Bear crawls stopping every 10 feet for merkins (24 merkins total)
  • run back
  • 7 burpees jumping over blocks
  • curls x 30
  • run 100 yards
  • 20 jump squats
  • More merkins – SLOW x 15
  • run back
  • 10 burpees jumping over the blocks
  • curls x 30
  • run 100 yards
  • 25 jump squats
  • run back

move the blocks over by the pull up bars

  • 10 pull ups
  • 20 incline merkins
  • run about 50 yards
  • 3 burpees
  • run back
  • 20 decline merkins
  • sprint back
  • 4 burpees
  • sprint back
  • 10 pull ups
  • 20 incline merkins
  • 30 curls
  • 30 overhead press
  • sprint over
  • 4 burpees
  • sprint back
  • 10 pull ups
  • 20 decline merkins
  •  30 curls
  • 30 overhead press?
  • sprint over
  • 3 burpees
  • sprint back

Plank in front of block, crawl to block plank more, slow merkins, fast merkins

rocky balboas x 20

15 low flutter with brick presss IC

rocky's x 24

15 low flutter with brick press IC

rocky's x 28

15 low flutter with brick press IC

rocky's x 32

15 low flutter with brick press IC

recover recover

  • Moleskin
    • good work by the PAX, always love have my 2.0 there.  He did say something about not wanting to join next time i Q.  I was proud…i called him Caboose Jr…all that was missing was asking during the workout if we could stop and just get coffee
    • Good to see Uncle Coco out 2 x this week
    • Chestnut, thanks for showing up this am.  It takes that extra PAX to push the clown car and it really makes a difference
    • Glad United's foot is on the mend and able to get out there a little more, keep going!