The Hero’s Speed Workout

Event Date

Dec 30, 2015

All it took was 6 to beat the over/under set by Kumquat and Lex Luthor during their Standard conversation…but 7 men posted. Aye!  It was a warm wet morning, just like always in late December, right?


After a lengthy walk (for my short friends it was about 7 steps) into the parking lot, we circled up for a disclaimer and warm-o-rama.  Hip mobility movements from out-to-in and in-to-out.  SSH x20, Windmills x10.

Mosey to the bottom of K2 and Bubba.  "Allow me to make an intoduction to K2 and Bubba.  These are old friends of mine, whom I came to know and love about 4.5 years ago.  Bubba was named by Mountie after the hill at the police academy training grounds in Charlotte.  I'm not sure who named K2."

All our running started and stopped at this point.  We alternated running as fast as possible to the top of Bubba (tennis courts) and to the top of K2 (wolfpack playground…go PACK!) and we jogged back down to the bottom where we did various leg burning exercises.  Remember, this was a speed workout.

Exercises at the bottom included a number of yoga poses intended to induce TBQ.  I think the effect was achieved: e.g. slow squats, extended runners lunge pose (alternating right and left hand up with other hand on the ground for balance), elbow plank, warrior 3 with standing splits and alternating right and left arms held high.

After 3 times up Bubba and 3 times up K2, we finished with a CoP in the parking lot: bicycle x15, reverse bicycle x15, man-maker merkins x10, 2 mins stretching.  

Total distance covered was about 2.6 miles.

Moleskin (here's the bare naked truth about the mornings events from shortly before 530 to shortly after 615)

1. Beetle – I'm sorry your ancient body let you down yesterday/today, but I'm thankful for the opportunity to test myself this morning and proud to have led such an inspirational group of local heroes into the gloom.

2. Kumquat and Lex Luthor (who didn't break a sweat until the CoT) put in about 5 miles in 20 minutes before the workout. That may sound like a fast 5 miles for them, but Kumquat was in a hurry to get back to the squatty potty at BRP.  I totally understand.

3. Quartermaster rolled in casually with 30 seconds to launch time and asked what day we would be returning to the cars.  Yeah, the rookie in his rookie week debut didn't seem to be too worried about working out with a handful of 40+ guys. BeastRunnerWithShortShorts

4. Kumquat learned that the subtle movements of the earth under his feet and the rotation around its axis has an effect on his balance.  Or, it could be whatever he hydrated with in the potty threw him off.  Or, it wouldn't surprise me if Jethro was throwing a shoulder into him when I wasn't looking.

5. DT, being the wise and savvy veteren of 4.5 years who birthed the Half-Life run several years ago, found a way to beat the pax on the last run up Bubba.  Quarter Master and Lex Luthor, who were typically at the head of the crowd realized that the turtle actually does beat the rabbit in real life!  It's not just a story, kids.  OldManStrong

6.  Burner quietly stayed beneath the radar so as not to draw unnecessary attention to his WV team losing 4 players for their bowl game.  

7. QuarterMaster tells us that JockStrap will be setting some F3 swimming records for next year's triathlon training…bar has been set and set very high.

Twas a pleasure, gents.  Go be a hero to someone today!