The Hill People

From 5 to 7 in the morning Stumpy Creek must be the most active place in Truck City. Ruckers were Rucking, Runners were Running and others were en route for a total of 15 fine men to take on the pain promised at this Saturdays running of The Glen, Here is your race recap:Mosey down to soccer fields via our route for the Thang pointing out Hill 3, Hill 2 and Hill 1 as we passed them. Circle up for some Warmup:SSH x20 ICIST x10 ICWM x10 ICMosey to the far end of the field for the Thanng:Run to the bottom of hill 1, 10 Burpees and run back to endline. Plank till everyone gets back.Run to bottom of hill1, 10 Burpees, run to top of hill1, 15 Merkins, Run back to beginning doing Burpees at bottom of hill 1 again.Run to bottom of hill 1 10 Burpees, run to top of hill1, 15 merkins, run to bottom of hill 2, 20 Squats, run back to starting line repeating all exercises on the way back.Continued with same pattern and added 25 Dry Docks on top of hill 2, 30 Rock Curls at bottom of hill 3 and 40 LBC at the top of hill 3.We were close to out of time, but Chief has too much integrity and did not want to finish at bottom of hill 1 so we ran back with him and FNG to endline and then decided to mosey back , the long way around the soccer fields for some MARY:Mason Twist x30 ICRecover, RecoverMoleskin:-Better late than never-Chief, thanks for keeping us all honest and making sure we keep our integrity for the FNG.-Apparantly Nymph was a cornerback in his prior life as he thought somehow blocking and handchecking YHC would change the workout. Didn’t work.-Missed our resident mathematician to keep track and give us a formula for how many Burpees and other exercises we were doing. Probably better off not knowing the total-Mumblechatter was in full blast with it being so light out, beautiful weather and lots of spring energy in the air. I have figured out how to get rid of that in a hurry as well as getting some early and often BS calls. Thanks.-As always, it is an honor to lead this group and even more humbling that you all follow. Thanks for the opportunity.Aye