The Hill Was Alive With the Sound of Americans

8 hard-chargers sallied forth in near-perfect gloom conditions and discovered that one of the greatest movie lines ever rings true… the hills are alive with the sound of 'Mericans.

Circle up for

20 x ssh

10 x windmill

10 x toy soldier

20 x ist

1 min ijr

Mosey to Pond Hill for 11's (Mericans at top, LBC at the fork in the path)

Mobility minute

Mosey to rock pile

Stone your neighbor with two sets each of curls, skull crusher, presses, bent over rows

Hot foot to the square for another mobility minute

Hot foot back to rocks

Hot foot back to launch

Mobility and Mary



Jersey Boy and Jenny were speedy mcreedy this morning.

Wide variety of rocks, but we all got to experience each of them

Mobility minute(s) are good minutes

Amen rolled in for some 2nd F at SBUX.

Strong morning.  Aye.