The Holiday friendly Cauldron

9 Pax endured another Cauldron classic. 

Classic KB workout using the various levels of the parking deck. 

Warm 'orama

10 curls, 10 presses, 10 skull crushers, 10 KB squats

Level 1 – 10 Burpees, 20 Australian pull-ups

Progressed up each ramp adding reps to the KB excercises and a unique excercise at each level

Level 2 – SSH – 20 reps

Level 3 – Merkins –  30 repes

Level 4 – Carolina Dry Docks – 40 reps

Level 5 – WWII situps –  50 reps

Had a fair amount of mumle chatter and comraterie amongst the Pax.  Tried not to get The Force sweatty but didn't think I succeeded.  

Nice work to all

Have a Happy New Year!!
