The Holiday Spirit Came Alive at Gladiator!

Event Date

Nov 02, 2021

YHC saw notes on Twitter chat Sun evening that there was a Q need at Gladiator, so with many drinks, snacks and candies in the bloodstream, YHC volunteered to take it.

With Halloween in the past, YHC wanted to bring Christams Cheer to F3LKN and why not?  It's NOVEMBER!  So the PB went out, followed by a re-PB letting the pax know there would be a 1-day #ComplexFormula in effect.  8 pax (wonder if anyone even saw the PB or re-PB) showed up to see what might happen.  And here it is…

Welcome.  Disclaimer.

Warm-o-rama consisted of a short joggy-jog through the parking lot, some karoke, some high knees and glute-kickers, then pass by the fountain and under the shelter to a halt.  Music was turned on and to the pax surprise it was a Country Christmas Playlist. SSHs, ISTs, Long Snappers, Windmills.

The Thang:

Everyone grab a bench around the fountain for "pinky-pie's".  5 incline merkins, flip over, 5 dips, flip over, 4 incline merkins, and so on.  Recover.

More "pinky-pie's".  5 decline merkins, 5 dips, 4… and so on.

Mosey to the far corner and pull-up bars, partner up.  Each group grab 1 block.

Partner A:  full curls

Partner 2:  5 chin-ups, then run to the top of the hill and back.

Flapjack.  Repeato.  Threepeato.

Partner 1:  Lawn Mowers

Partner B:  5 pull-ups, then run to the top of the hill and back.

Flapjack.  Repeato.

Partner A:  Skull Crushers

Partner 2:  5 chin-ups, then run tot the top of the hill and back.

Flapjack.  Repeato.

Blocks back.

Mosey back to the start, until you see YHC's big, long, thick, black… rope.

MWAR:  Pax takes turns calling Mary excercise while pax rotates on the rope.

Finished about 20 seconds early (not unusual).  Elbow plank since we were already there….  Recover-recover.

The Moleskine:

Frontier was especially appreciative of the Christmas Music which travled with us.  Says his M has already began decorating and playing Christmas songs.

Crocs was there for the beginning, announced his departure, then showed back up for the final 15 mins as he promised.

Swing State brought the energy, enthusiasm and announcements – wonder where he gets all his information from???

YHC had not met Nair before – great to see you and your hairless calves.  Your name popped up just yesterday and boom – there you were in the gloom today!

We did have a Fartlek drive-by at one point.  It was a thing of beauty – with all their shining lights with our Christmas music on, it was like a parade.  Til they arrived and the Spotify commercials came on.  Oh well.

Hoff and Frontier were my partners in our group of 2 and they rocked it.  Yeah, that math doesn't quite add up.

Soprano quietly crushed the entire workout with ease.  As usual.  

Jenny was the least engaged, worked the least hard, at times ran faster than the rest, was the least supportive of today's amazing Q and was in general just disagreeable.  This lack of engagement cost him a lot of points in today's one day only complex formula and by the end of the workout was deep in the red.  However, his M was Qing at FIA today, which is worth (don't tell this to anyone else) 94.5 points, and that was enough to edge out the next closest of the pax by 1.35 points.  Wow.  Winner.  Congratulations. 

Christmas part in early Dec, on a Wed.  Maybe 12/8?  At BYE.  Questions or volunteers or donations or complaints – see Omega.

Black Friday convergence is at North Meck Park, 7AM, followed by 2nd F event at Primal, opening just for F3.

That's it.  The Force is OUT.
