The humidity was angry that day, my friends. . . like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.

The humidity was angry that day, my friends—like an old man trying to send back soup in a deli.

Despite YHC preblasting a start time of 0700 (a holdover from my Saturday preblasts), 14 hardy humans showed at the regular time and in the regular General fashion (with several comin’ in hot at 0700 or later).

Ferrigno (or “furrEENyo” in his inimitable style) dipped his toe in the frigid waters of Lake Q by leading several exercises for the first time. He brought some interesting new exercises and variations on old favorites. He certainly did better than my first co-Q effort at this very AO three years ago!

The pledge of allegiance (why to a flag and not to a country?) kicked us off into what became a grumblechatter-inspiring beatdown that transformed 14 skinny science types into raging green monsters (well, they were Hulk-ish…)

The Thang

(Ferrigno contributions credited as “HULK”):

  • Mosey
  • Goose-Steps
  • HULK Side Jumps
  • Bobby Hurleys
  • Pirate Ship Ride
  • HULK Diamond Merkins
  • HULK Jump & Spin Squats
  • Bear Squats
  • Mosey to Wall
  • Wall Climbers
  • Praying Mantis
  • Side Wall Planks
  • Lean-In Sheryl Sandberg
  • Mosey to Flag
  • Mosey to Rocks
  • Arm-a-geddon (I got 180 reps. How many did you get?)
  • Bent-Over Rows
  • HULK Criss-Cross Crunches
  • Little Baby Flutter Chest Press
  • Lower Back Raise
  • Oblique V-Up
  • Superman Pulse
  • Metronomes
  • HULK Leg Raise Crunches


Props to Ferrigno for stepping outside of his comfort zone to co-Q in front of some of the finest men in F3. After the workout, Samsonite starred in a scene from Them when he was attacked by killer fire ants that had invaded the gear he left on a tree. He wisely opted out of running home, so YHC drove him to the comfort of a hot shower and his nurturing wife who made him his favorite breakfast, stroked his head, and nursed his wounds (I'm imagining).

Image result for them movie

Closing Rhyme:

The heat was hot,
The humidity was humid,
The battle was fought,
Our muscles got tumid.*


*(it’s a word; look it up!)
