22 *en arose from their co*fy beds to celebrate holiday & rivalry week festivities.  Here is their story.


War*up around the block only to stop right in the entrance, which of course Callahan had a proble* with.



SSH x 20ish

Cotton Picker x totally not sure

IST x quite a few

Toy Soldiers x several


The Thang: 

The *ichigan

10 x 100 yards, 10 Hand release *erkins after each run

8 x 80yds, 10 squats or 1/4 turn ju*p squats after every other run

6 x 60yds, lunges after every other one



-We started with the winners and then Hollywood decided to do 5 *in of low flutters.  *y applogies to the other winners, you can bla*e hi*

-Great collection of old people out there today.  We had Duvall who still a*azes *e that he's alive.  We had Outlaw, *oses, Hat Trick & Callahan who have seen *any of these *ichigan runs

– i didn't realize it was still OG week

– Tclaps to the incogs & hacker for running #thestandard, the rest of you passed, but it wasn't with honors.

– Callahan kept busy by trying ti*e and ti*e again to let Outlaw and his cheating self run off by alone.  It only took 15 ti*es to al*ost pull it off.  T-claps

Thanks to *r Bang Bang hi*self for the opportunity to Q, and thanks to the Pax for not quitting right away, instead it was a long slow bleed of energy.  But everyone see*ed to be chatty at coffee, so you're welo*e.  And as always, thanks to Black Eyed Pea for sharing this gift with me several years ago, its been an amazing part of my life that i hope we continue to share with others, remember, you don't know what another man is going through right now, you don't know what he struggles with, but he may just be praying for somebody to be there for him and invite him out.  Be that somebody!


