The Inaugural Tammy 200

Disclaimer given


Side Straddle Hops = 25-IC

Windmills = 10-IC

Copperhead Squats = 10-IC

Toy Soldiers = 10-IC

Plank Jacks = 10-IC

Small Arm Circles

Big Arm Circles

Hug Yourself


The Thang = The Tammy 200

Mosey parking lot lap, grab block and meet huddle up at the football field endzone.

Partner up. Partner A carries a block to the far endzone and back (200yds) while partner B does reps with block. Trade places when partner A finishes 200 yds. Cumulative reps of:

200 Curls

200 Skull Crushers

200 Overhead Press

200 Sit-Ups with Block

200 Squats with Block

200 Block Merkins



LBC’s = 10-IC

Low Flutter = 10-IC



Proverbs 17:22 “A cheerful hear is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries us the bones.”

Most of us have known or know of a Tammy. Tammy is someone fighting hard during a difficult time. Tammy has a core group of peers that helps fight anyway they can. YHC is active in F3 largely due to a Tammy. I’m fighting for something I can control because a Tammy lost her fight to something she could not control. Be cheerful for your Tammy and help them fight.



13-1/2 men battled through the inaugural Tammy 200 beatdown.

Clark could not find his wallet this morning, but does join the Pax around 0730. ½ a workout is better than no workout.

Marker gets in a standard, and then crushes the beatdown.

Good to see Scope this cold morning pushing through to the end.

Welcome back Retread! Long time no see! Retread has been working out with the Burn bunch the past few months and the results are impressive! Hope you can Q soon and show off your new Burn skills.

Ziploc was unrecognizable without his signature Hilton Head cattail beard.

Mater, Mulligan and Toto are strong proponents of the Tammy 200 and would prefer a 2 hour version in the future. #fortammy

Diesel was the strong silent type this AM.

Sonar has some magic pills that cap his max heart rate at 150BPM. He breezes through the beatdown and politely asks for another.

Abrams’s can get his car up to 57MPH in the Mustang parking area between the 73 entrance and the launch pad. We all (except Clark) witnessed this impressive feat of vehicular acceleration at 0701.

C# had intel on an FNG and did a great job with the introduction.

FNG-1 is Kurt. Kurt gave us a 17 minute recap of his life, by year, in chronological order. To summarize, Kurt is a retired Marine, 59 years old, dives a sweet Snoop de Ville, and is working on his fitness after being a 400LBer.F3 name Gomer as in Gomer Pyle.

Keep Clubber and family in your thoughts and prayers as well as JW at Cabellas.

Great coffee talk this AM and happy to see a few former F3 Pax turned runners (Spork, Skipper, Fabio) join us. Also, good to see Fart Sack Jeeves was able to sleep through the beatdown, but did  join us for coffee.

Pleasure to lead this AM gentleman. Hope you have a great weekend!
