The Iron Cross

12 posted to perfect weather in SVU to make introductions to The Iron Cross.  The PAX, who seems confused at first, quickly settle into groans and complaints as  reality and understanding kick in.  Nevertheless, everyone suffers through and is better for it by 6:15.

Warm up:

10 (IC) SSH

10 (IC) Copperhead Squats

10 Burpees (making sure everyone knows how to do them)

Arm circles and self love to warm up those shoulders.

Mossy up little baby hill for start

The Iron Cross

       PAX is introduced to SVU’s newest man maker.  Beginning at the intersection of Ashe Hollow, Summit and Crepe Ridge; Four roads, Four exercises, capped with burpees.  

Crepe down – Bear Crawl to end -> 10 Burpees -> Backwards run return

Summit – Lunge Walk to end -> 10 Burpees -> Backwards run return

Crepe to end – Sprint to end -> 10 Burpees -> Backwards run return

Ashe Hollow – Dragon Walk -> 10 Burpees -> Backwards run return


Unless you posted, you can’t appreciate just how long these roads are!!!


Playground Fun

        Group 1 – Pull-ups

    Group 2 – Merkins

    Group 3 – Over head Block Squats


6 MoM:

    Combo: LBC – Freddy Mercury – LBC

    2 count slow flutter kicks

    Dr. W’s

    American Hammer


Reflection: Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Encourage each of you to read and reflect on what Paul is saying here in Romans.  Especially in this day and time when everyone around you wants to tell you how to think and act.  Paul wants you to turn your beliefs into behavior.

If you’re interested, here’s a more indepth look into Paul’s message.


Mole Skin:

  • 12 Strong today.  Great to be back in the PAX after 2 weeks in China

  • "Legs" in the Iron Cross are formidable.  Format is set – PAX Challenge: Who can deliver the next, better version?

  • Clark delivers a strong post, tendonitis and all.  Dude did many exercises while hopping on one foot.  What was your excuse this morning?

  • Big time T-claps to Metro for carrying the group in both Bear Crawl and Dragon Walks

  • Also, shout out to our Sprinters for ending the misery on the Crepe Ridge leg.  Q doesn’t know who you are as he was too far back doing Burpees

  • Good luck to all the Spartan Beast competitors from Denver this weekend.  

  • Merkin was optional on Dragon Walk, but did see Clark doing them #BeastMode

  • Couple of Omaha calls, but they ended up as bad as original exercise

  • Lots of chatter in the PAX – everyone in good moods, enjoying the fun

  • Thanks for the opportunity.

Respectfully Submitted,

Light Bulb