The Iron Cross by 7 Iron Pax

7 men emerged for their daily dose of 3S2T (strength, stamina, speed, mental and physical toughness) fitness. Something about the intensity of the IPC has kept these men coming back every week since the end of August. 


After some warm-up and instruction, here's how it unfolded for the next 33 minutes. 50 reps at the 4 ends of the cross and returning to the center of the cross after each set of exercises. Starting at the center of the cross, on the 50 yard line at bottom of stairs to Bailey Middle School…

  • Crawl bear to top of steps
  • 50 windshield wipers
  • Run down steps to center
  • Forward lunge to the 10yd line
  • 50 leg raises
  • Run to center
  • Side lunge to center of field
  • 50 dips on the benches
  • Side lunge leading with other leg to center
  • Backward lunge to 10yd line
  • 50 merkins
  • Run to center
  • Repeat for 33 mins

We split into 3 groups and stayed with our groups while making 2 full circuits of the Iron Cross. 



  1. Crawl bear followed by 50 wind shield wipers on the pavement left some bleeding on the inside (like the karate man) and with external road rash wounds on the hips bones. 
  2. YHC feels the 320 yards of lunges today, the day after.
  3. When Geek asked if we should honor Eddie Van Halen for the 2nd week in a row with the music, we JUMPed at the chance.
  4. The Geek has the Q next week. Your only regret will be missing that workout.