The Islands Are Calling

The streak is over; long live the streak.  Since CL has been slacking this week, YHC tried to plan a workout tough enough to entice him back to the group.  Said workout was set up with designed breaks to reconvene between exercises so he didn't finish in half the time that it takes me, as per usual.  8 total Pax accepted the challenge and went on this journey.  It went a little something like this.  


IST, the exercise formerly known as Cotton Picker, Hillbilly, Peter Parker, Parker Peter each IC x10

Indian walk/run with bells overhead to the Lowe's parking lot.

The Thang

5 sets of IC exercises x10- curls for the girls, military press, skull crushers

There are 5 lovely islands in the parking lot that were calling out to us like a siren song.  We obliged their allure by doing increasing burpees at each.  So, 10 IC curls, run to island #1 for 1 burpee, run back to start, etc.  You get the picture.  Oh by the way, each run was done with the kettlebell.  This was a real crowd pleaser when announced.

Cupcake decided that he didn't enjoy running with the bells and requested burpees instead.  It's true; I heard him.  10 burpees, run length of parking lot, 5 burpees, run back.  So much fun that we did an extra set substituting 10 merkins for burpees.

Indian walk/run with bells overhead back to start.

Mary- flutter press, W, heels to heaven


YHC overestimated his ability to count IC in between the longest runs.  I'll rotate the count next time.

Finger Looking Good pointed out on his drive by that Chicken Little was way out front and some Pax needed to catch him.  That's your job FLG.

Bible study was well attended after the workout.  We need to let those Pax know that there is a free men's workout preceding it every week.

Prayers for Stroker's wife, Motorboat's dad, Tick Tock's daughter, Goodell's dad, and all of the unspoken needs that we have. 

I hope that I can inspire 1 person as much as I'm inspired by this Brotherhood each and every day.  

Addendum- Frosty was a sad clown rucker for the standard.

Always an honor,

Cheez Whiz