Also in attendance were FNGs Levi (now Jordache) and Rich (now The League) as well as Bubbles, Granola, Last Resort, and Hobbs.

Here it is, the long awaited skinny backblast to sum up the official 2019 Jollyball tournament. Next time YHC will reach out to Freepass for some post game analysis. The award ceremony is scheduled for 7pm at Kadi Fit on Friday night, December 6th- be there!

The short version of the story is that DBAP, the anthracite-colored Kentucky Wildcats of Jollyball, went from worst to first to capture the Jollyball world title, defeating Limited Liability City 4-2 in the championship. DBAP gained the edge in the playoffs through recruiting prowess, using a combination of skill, force, and sheer strength in numbers to wear their opponents down and claim the title. The most notable gimmick they deployed was a series of on-the-fly hockey style substitutions that were totally in the spirit of Jollyball, owning the grey area. And when the grey turns black or white, as it will when we put some boundaries around substitutions next season, find some new grey area to exploit to your advantage. 

Here are some noteworthy items from the season:

  • FNGs. One of the best ways to get new guys to experience what we've found in F3 is to bring them out for a friendly game on a Saturday morning. They'll start to believe we're actually a nice group of guys.. until Mr Burns decks them from behind and they find themselves hurdling toward a cement wall. We had about 10 FNGs play Jollyball this season, a great success.
  • Not exactly sure what defines a Kotter, but there were some out there for Jollyball, and even more Saturday morning Kotters. Was great to see some guys we haven't seen out in awhile.
  • Perhaps the only one disappointed with the Jollyball season was Big Mean. YHC is happy to report there were no major injuries during the entire Jollyball season. One hamstring pull in the preseason, one re-injury of a knee during postgame festivities, and a few bloody noses, but no serious injuries – making Jollyball one of the safest activities in F3LKN. YHC even pulled a hammy in Stretch Armstrong once..
  • Speaking of hamstring pulls and bloody noses, Chicken Noodle, who pulled his hamstring in the preseason, rehabbed just in time to make it back for the playoffs, only to get his nose busted in the championship. Hours later, his nose was still bleeding so he went into urgent care, where they told him to just use a tampon. Ouch.
  • MVP award goes to Olive. He showed up every week and was a complete stud in goal. As a reward he received his own bloody nose in the championship, well worth the price of glory.
  • Special thanks to Bounceyhouse who made the championship plaque, design and all (referred by Sweet C!). These guys are doing some great work. Reach out to Bounceyhouse if you want any type of customized wooden designs or lettering, he can make it happen.
  • Thanks to everyone who helped make this season possible. It was a blast and we're planning to do it again next year.
    • Special thanks to Ramrod for captaining a team, checking on the field logistics, and running an excellent social media campaign on Twitter.
    • Also to the other team captains (Jolly/Swamp, Waffle/Mr. H, Wasp/JerseyBoy) for getting enough guys out to field 4 teams each week!