The Jungle Bear delivered

Plus PB and J (9 Lives 2.0) and Doogie

12 Pax endured the 2nd installment of the Jungle Bear and by everyone's reaction delivered.  From the frosty beverages at the end to the unsurmoountable pain at some of the challenges it was both tough and rewarding.

Thanks to all who came out and espeicially for those whoe doubled down – 9 Lives and PB&J

1. Frog Leap Grand Oak Elementary.

Concrete Ball leap FROG burpees.   Each team member will jump over each giant ball leap frog style and in between each perform a complete Burpee.  Circle back to the start and repeato 2 times.

20 points

2. Jack Rabbit Circle of Pain – Traffic circle at Stumptown and Hugh Torance creek

Each Pax member will be in the Elbow plank position about 4-5 feet apart.  The person on the end will Broad Jump over each person until he gets to the end.  Then he will Elbow plank and the next guy broad jumps etc. etc.  All the way around the circle.  (Indian run style)

15 points

3. Copperhead  Mountain. 

As a team Quadraphilia (backwards run) up hill.   5 Burpees on top (good form!).  Sprint down hill touch side walk.

Repeato 5 times

10 points

4. Bear Crawl 500 – Parking lot circle in front of church

As a team start at bottom bear crawl up to the halfway mark (underneath awning)

Lunge walk back to bottom

Repeato 2 x

5 Points

5. Kangaroo – Wall Jump O Rama – 

Start at wall – Bear crawl to the curb on the opposite side of the road from the wall do 10 Incline Merkins, sprint to wall and jump up on top, jump back down.

Repeato 10x

5 points

6. Elephant Block O Rama

Block Webb’s – A #Jack Webb using a concrete block – An Incline Merkin then Block Press (on knees) combination with an ascending rep count to 10.  Start by doing one and then repeat but ascending to 2, (2 merkins and then 2 block presses), 3 (3 merkins and then 3 block presses) ….10(10 merkins, 10 block presses)

5 points

7. Crocodile Rocks

In cadence – 20 (40 single) Rock Squats, 20 (40 single) curls, 20 (40 single) Standing presses, 20 (40 single) skull crushers.   Repeato 2 x

5 points

8. Monkey Bar Pull-up O Rama –  partner up

With a partner.  Descending pull-ups starting at 10, next set is 9 then 8……1

Rotate with partner, partner is squatting or spotting. 

5 points

9. Alligator Fountain Area

In cadence – 20 – Body Builders – Essentially this is an 8 count Burpee, with a plank-jack added. (1) Squat down, (2) legs out, (3) down part of Merkin, (4) up part of Merkin, (5) out part of plank-jack, (6) in part of plank-jack, (7) feet to hands, and (8) stand up.

40 – World II sit-ups, 40 LBC’s, 40 Mason twists, 40 Dying Cock Roaches (20 count in cadence as a team) .  Repeato 2x

5 points