The KB match of the century minus the KB

The Force and I had a great time planning this workout. We had the idea to do a KB workout without using our KB's. We knew that the PAX would never expect that and we were correct. Here is what happened:

The Force gave the disclaimer and told the PAX to remember the numbers.


18 SSH IC – TF

9 Slow WM IC – UM


15 Morrocan Night Clubs – UM

3 Burpees – TF

The KB'less Workout – first 20 minutes run by TF (literally)

Count off in groups of 4

Run around DPK and grab KB to the stairs and the top deck

Groups go to stations for excersises and then switch on the signal

Station 1 – The Big, Thick, Black, Rope; ST Mericans, Maktar Jai – 10 IC

Station 2 – CDD, Freddie Mercury, Scorpion DD – 10 IC

Station 3 – 1/4 turn jump squats, Dying Cockroach, Slow Squat – 10 IC

Station 4 – Jack-knife LBC, Crucifix Mericans, Mericans – 10 IC

Repeato and then the handoff to UM

Admire the stationary KB's and then run to the bottom of the deck and around DPK and back up the stairs

Head to the KB's and then the fake out to the parking spaces for the bear crawl, plank walk R, crawl bear up the deck

Get halfway up and plank while everyone finishes

Time to go back down to the left this time to even out the crawls

Plank it out again while we wait for finishers

Run to the top of the deck and grab some wall for peoples chair

While in PC, Touch them heels, Morrocan night clubs, and air press – 10 IC

Lunge walk with a twist across deck – 30 IC

Back to the wall for Wall Mt. Climbers – 10 IC

Dropping the Air Pigeon on the Pax (this may have been the winning move)

Plank with hands on the wall and walk it out until you were completely stretched out and try not to faceplant

Circle up for Not So Lazy Boys (on your six, legs extended and arms crossed, lean back all the way without your feet leaving the ground and then twist side to side – 15 IC

Recover, recover


Several times the PAX said all you need to do to win is actually use the KB's. TF & I were not deterred from our plan.

The PAX did get a great workout today, only thing is it was without KB.

Scrappy won the prize for most American today and earned the KB tshirt.

The Force's warm up numbers – 18 years Roy Williams was at NC, 9 ACC Championships, 3 National Championships

UM's warm up numbers – Random, not significance to them whatsoever.

In the end, somehow I won. Not sure how, and I am humbled. Thanks to The Force for going along with my dumb idea. I look forward to facing Scrappy in the next round and will start planning now. 

Thanks to everyone that came out today on a very chilly morning. We appreciate you supporting us and hope you were not too dissapointed not to use your KBs.

Until next time,