The Lake Forest Church parking lot is longer than you think

16 men took the DRP at Samson today and quickly learned that the LFC Parking lot is deceptively long, and wide.  (Insert joke here)  Here is their story.

05:00:  9 men show up for #TheStandard.

05:01:  Sorry make that 10, as 66 is now ready.  The Standard runners were:  Jaws, Blackbeard, Madden 24, Jimmy Olsen, 66, Lego, Auto, Snoopy, Frogger, and YHC.

05:28:  Bid farewell to Snoopy.  Instruct 66, who is doing HTL next week, that we don't need to see any heroics today.  Translation:  Please don't get hurt or Jedi will punch me.


  • Mosey around parking lot, mixing in high knees, butt kickers, long striders, and Quadraphilia. 
  • Circle up.  Disclaimer.
  • Happy Jacks (SSH x 5 IC, followed by 2 jump squats, or "Jumpies" for Jaws) x 2
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean farmers x 15 IC
  • Slow Deep Squats x 15 IC
  • Arm circles en route to block forest

The Thang:

Mosey to the escalating monkey bars.  In two lines:

  • 1 x across facing forwards
  • 1 x across facing backwards

10 Burpees OYO

Everyone grabs 1 cinder block and carries to the parking lot.  Circle up for:

  • Cinder block clean and press with Inclined Merican x 10 OYO (I.E. 5 each side.  Uh, not explained very well apparently!  Sorry, #QFail)
  • Block jumps – with cinder block flat jump over 10 x each side OYO
  • Repeato above 2 exercises

10 Burpees OYO

Partner up, size does not matter:

  • Partner 1 bear crawls the width of the parking lot and lunge walks back while
  • Partner 2 does bent over block rows AMRAP
  • Flapjack
  • Partner 1 crab walks half the width of the parking lot and back while
  • Partner 2 does block curls AMRAP
  • Flapjack

10 Burpees OYO

1 fast lap around the entire parking lot, plank while waiting

Block swings x 20 OYO

Return blocks to woods…don’t stack them yet!

Block swings x 20 OYO

Stack blocks.  Mosey to the parking lot.

10 Burpees OYO followed by another lap around the parking lot

  • Circle up around my car for Mary, with Tesla’s "Little Suzi" playing for:
  • Plank, Right Arm Up, Left Arm Up, JLOs x 15 IC
  • 100s
  • Mason Twists x 15 IC
  • Low Flutter x 15 IC

Recover, recover.  Total distance was just over 1 mile according to my Garmin.


  1. Prayers for Auto's M, who is having surgery today.  We're with you, brother.
  2. Prayers for Lego's friend Curt, and look for tomorrow's beat-downs to include "Push-ups, prayers up" in his honor. 
  3. Speaking of Auto and Lego, there was plenty of great mumble chatter all around today, but these 2 DOMINATE in that category.  Let's see, Lego mentioned Auto "looked strong" in his shirt while crossing the pull-up bar, they led the workout in collisions during the crabwalk, and they informed me that since Contra wasn't present, we didn't need to do so many burpees.
  4. Well, haven't had the pleasure of meeting Contra yet.  Believe LFC is his home church.  Contra Sir, YHC hopes 40 burpees is enough near your house of worship!
  5. 66 asked me if I really cared about his upcoming HTL as he set out on his bear crawl.  I do Sir, audible to lunge walks on the way back!  You're welcome PAX.
  6. Strong work by all getting across the bars, and helping each other out.  Madden 24 crushed it.
  7. Oh boy, Jedi we missed you during Mary.  Not only could the song name not be identified, no one knew it was Tesla.  Guesses included Warrant, and Led Zeppelin.  Maybe YHC will stick to Zeppelin.
  8. Oh and a first today, Lego got up and turned down the music during Mary.  #Mutiny!  Apologies, didn't know there was a bible study session about to start.  Lego would also like everyone to "stay off his lawn", ha.
  9. Look for a 2.0 friendly workout this Saturday, there is a men's breakfast at LFC on Saturday, and a Park Clean-up effort happening.  Please see the announcements page for more details.
  10. Thank you Jedi for the opportunity to lead today.  We prayed for everyone doing the HTL next week.
  11. Thank you Lawn Dart for the EH.  Someday soon we might get Rocket to come out.

Aye, great work everyone.