The Letter “T” at Arnie’s Army

Event Date

Jan 10, 2022

8 Pax on a cold (3 layer) day at Arnie's Army for another visit to the F3 Exicon page.  Today we did exercises which began with the letter "T" to honor the new MQ here Tammy Faye, as well as the prior 2 MQs Tuffy and Turncoat.  All 3 were in attendance + 4 other strong Pax joined us.  Here is roughly what went down:

0502:  Run standard with Lego.  We covered ~2.5 miles and it was great catching up bud.



  • Quick mosey around the Birkdale clubhouse parking lot with some Quadraphilia, side shuffles, and high knees.
  • Disclaimer given.  Included, a not-too-well-articulated attempt to warn those Pax who didn't run the standard to really try to limber up during warm-ups.
  • IST x 15 IC
  • Soybean Farmers x 15 IC
  • Then a couple of exercises from the Exicon page:
  • Twinkle Toes x 15 OYO
  • This is an Al Gore (holding a squat with your arms & hands out in front of you) while doing calf raises.<br /> Originally created by F3 Knoxville's Anchorman and implemented heavily at F3 Knoxville JUCO.
  • Tony Hawk Burpee x 5 OYO
  • A normal burpee but when you jump, do a 360 degree spin in the air each time.
  • Arm circles for ~30 seconds

The Exicon "T" Thing:

  • Get into 2 rows of 4 each.  (This would have been perfect with 1 more Pax for a total of 9, but we adapted):
  • Triple Check

    Teams of three four.  First man in a peoples chair, second man in front of him in plank, third man sprints 100 yards and back, rinse and repeat times three.  (4th man does Burpees)

  • Everyone gets one block for:

  • Top Gun

    Perform 10 reps each of 5 standing coupon exercises (Ex: Curls, Rows, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Squats, Lunges.  Note:  We did Overhead Press, Skull Crushers, Curls, Bent Over Rows, and Block Squats) for 10 minutes using a Tabata timer. The 5 coupon exercises are repeated for the entire 10 minutes. The Danger Zone happens every minute on the minute when PAX drops coupon and perform 3 Burpees, then pick up where they left off on the coupon exercises. Dial up the suffering by extending the time, increasing the number of burpees, or increasing the reps of exercises. Acapella versions of Kenny Loggins' classic tune Danger Zone are welcomed.  Note:  A generous 15 seconds was alotted for the 3 Burpees, bumped up from 12 seconds. 

  • Triple Nickel

    Find a hill. Start at bottom, run to top and complete 5xcalled exercise, run to bottom and complete 5xcalled exercise, 5 repetitions (5/5/5=Triple Nickel). Can easily be done on flat surface with launch point and target point.  Note:  We did slow deep squats and Mericans.

  • One Pax (Turncoat) is participating in the 50 Burpee January challenge.  At this point he had done 47 Burpees.  Assuming not everyone was as fast as Turncoat during the "Triple Check", we needed ~5 more to say everyone did 50 for the workout.  So we did:

  • Turk n Burp  x 5 OYO

    A Combination Move of a Turkish Get Up and a Burpee: Complete a Turkish Get Up, flipping forward into the squat thrust of the Burpee, push up, complete Burpee with a jump, and come back down to the ground to start your next rep with the Turkish Get Up. I mean, you've really just gotta see it and get your own rhythm. Be the ball…


  • A slow lap around the parking lot
  • Thunderstruck

    Q plays "Thunderstruck" by ACDC. PAX complete 1 standard Merkin for every "thunder!" that is heard in the song. Plank during the rest of the song. Awesome way to end a workout and just make sure any juice that's left is burned away.  Note:  It ended up being around ~30 Mericans. 

  • Block curls x 1 minute AMRAP.  Keep track of your number of reps for later.

  • American Hammers x 15 IC

  • LBCs x 15 IC

  • Low Flutters x 15 IC

  • Block curls x 1 minute AMRAP.  Try to beat your number of reps from earlier
  • Put the blocks away, short mosey to my car.

Recover, recover.  We covered 1.05 miles according to Strava.



  1. We prayed for our friends Carpet Bagger and Ponch and they recover from their injuries. 
  2. Thank you Tammy Faye for the opportunity to lead today.
  3. It was a great morning which is expected given the fine Pax we had today.  Aye gents.
