The Lindy

Event Date

Aug 10, 2019

From the depths of the crossfit archives comes the Lindy…

Warmorama: Run .5 miles, SSH x 25, TS x 15, Windmill x 15

The Thang:

Set 1

25 Jump Squats

25 Burpees

.2 Mile Lap


Set 2

25 Jump Squats

25 Burpees

200 High Knees

.2 Mile Lap


Set 3

25 Jump Squats

25 burpees

200 High Knees

200 Mt Climbers

.2 Mile Lap

.5 mile run

Mary: (A:) Low Flutter, Mason Twist, (T): WWII, Boxcutter, (TT): Low Dolly, Freddie Mercury

The Moleskine:

  • Chicken Update: two more chickens added to the coop.  There is a fine art to determining between guy and gal chicks. Apparently guy-chicks (oxymoron) can be traded in.
  • Theres a place in Kentucky where you can ride your four wheelers and side-by-side on the town roads.  Its as common as the golf cart in retirement communities.
  • Continued prayers for ToolTime's dad, who has done well with double knee replacement surgery.
  • The CoT is still uncomfortable at 3, so come on out.  Its ok as long as you don't cup your hands.
  • Welcome back, Twister!
  • Its an honor to lead fine gentlemen!