The Long and Shorts

Event Date

Jun 04, 2016

Warmorama: Buttkicks, Highknees, Backwards Run, SSH x 30, TS x 15, IST x 20, Mericans x 15

The Thang:

Part 1

  • Ranchers (imaginary square in your parking lot, starting a the top left, 5 Mericans, Walking Side Plank to top right corner, 5 Mericans, Back Bear Crawl to bottom right, 5 Mericans, Walking Side Plank to bottom left, 5 Mericans, Bear Crawl to top left), Short Run
  • 20 Quarter Turn Frog Jumps, Short Run
  • 20 LBCs, Short Run
  • 20 Mountain Climbers, Short Run
  • 20 Burpees, Short Run
  • 20 Mountain Climbers, Short Run
  • 20 WWII Situps, Short Run
  • 20 Quarter Turn Frog Jumps, Short Run
  • Ranchers, Short Run

Run To Granite Park

Part 2

  • 10 Pullups
  • 10 Pullups, 10 Pinky Pushups on the swing
  • 10 Pullups, 10 Pinky Pushups, Bear Crawl around park (whew!)

Mosey – Sprint intervals up Hearbreak Hill

Mary: Low Flutter x 20, Boxcutters x 15, Peter Parkers x 10

The Moleskine:  ?A great crowd always shows up for The Quarry Hood, including the spectators.  We've seemed to interrupted some "parkers" during our warmorama.  The Q was partially distracted that he missed the end counts a few times.  (Sheesh!  Get a room…)  Part one was sweaty especially in the humidity.  More than the usual BS calls with burpees.  Long run and then part 2. Pullups, Pinky's Pushups and bearcrawl!  Oh My!  Pinky's Pushups is feet on a swing, pushup, then pull knees to chest.  The bearcrawl was a good distance around the park.  We broke it into two flights.  Run-Mosey back up to the launch area for Mary.  So why the Long and Shorts title?  Long run and Hambone's ranger panties (shorts, I think).