The Longest Circuit Ever

Event Date

Jun 29, 2022

It was great to have Puddle join us ITG today.  He must have read Mater's preblast and wanted to check out what the Dr had ordered!! Here is how it went down.




Windmills 10 IC

Imperial Storm Troopers 10 IC

arm circles 10 each small, medium, large to front, small, medium large to back – don't put your arms down

30 Grady Corns IC

1 lap then to block pile – distribute 1 block per person to chute 1, 4 and 5



Circuit – Round 1 – 15 per station (except for pullups -AMRAP)

  • Chute 1 – Curls and pull ups- curls at one end mosey to other
  • Chute 2 – Dying cockroaches (2 is 1) and WW1s – bunny hop between
  • Chute 3 – lunges (2 is 1) and squats – skip between
  • Chute 4 – Merkins and skull crushers – carioka between
  • Chute 5 – Shoulder press and carolina dry docks – bear crawl half way then mosey
  • back to start

Round 2 – same as the first except 20 per station (try to get 1 more pull-up than first round)

Blocks up



LBCs 30 IC

Pretzel Crunch 15 IC left and right

Recover, Recover



Dear Brothers and sisters, when troubles of any king come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  James 1:2



Great seeing a new face to meatlocker – thanks for joining us Puddle.  Look forward to having you back nex week so I do not Sad Clown.

For some reason, Mater and I both arrived early this morning.  And he began to worry because I was putting on my running shoes.

Puddle lived up to his name by stepping in a water puddle grabbing blocks

Puddle and Mater talked about steel and race cars, YHC just listened

While there was worry that we would not remember the circuit, the circuit was completed without mistakes

Mater doesn't skip because he is a MAN

Mater wants to know why the exercise is called Grady Corn

Mater said that this was the longest circuit ever

Enjoyed the fellowship this morning.  Pleasure to lead.  Hopefully this made us stronger.   Missed those that were not with us.  Hope to see you all next week.

God bless
