The Macinac Attack

MECA/METRO Pax:  Backstreet, Zoom, Man Down, Woodstock, Brinkley, Snapfade, Number One, Good News, Circuit, Natural, Chowda, Powerball, Thickburger

What do you get when you combine The Bridge + The Michigan?  YHC has decided to call it the "Macinac Attack" (I just made that up), so that's what you get.

The Bridge AO sits at the intersection of MECA, LKN and Metro, and we had 24 hard-chargers (including an FNG) from each of these three regions sally forth in truly oppressive gloom for the "on-the-spot" creation of the Macinac Attack.  

We circled up at the launch pad and hit the FLR (front leaning rest) for muster, instruction and inspection.  With a proper disclaiminator, we knocked out a few Mericans, stretched our legs, and then moseyd around the bend for a quick CoP which included (among other things):

SSH, windmills, IST, slow squats, Toy Soldiers, and Invisible Jump Rope

We took a slow mosey toward the track and were lucky enough to come across a big pile of boulders, so we each procured one and Zamperini'd to the track to oval up for some rock work:

Curlz for girlz, pressess, skull crushers and the like.

We ambled around the track for some "pearls on a string"-type stuff.  I can't recall what all we did, but I know we got in a good stretch of Cack-a-lack-a Choo Choo at one corner. 

By this time it was mid-workout, and time for the much-anticipated "mid-workout mobility moment" (obviously because I care about your fitness).  At this point Chowda opined that with a "mobility moment" we may as well be at coffeeteria, which earned us all a shot at The Michigan, and thus was born the Macinac Attack.

The Michigan is normally 10×100 yds, 8×80 yds, 6×60 yds, 4×40 yds and 2×20 yd sprints. 

However, given the environmental "black flag" conditions this morning, YHC scaled it back to just the 10×100 (with a brief break for more rock work) which was still a humdinger.

Next we put our rocks back in the pile and bee-lined for the jungle gym where we knocked out a descending ladder of pull-ups 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and then a finale of 5 toes to the bar crunches.

One more set of Mericans and we got the much-coveted "recover recover" bell (literally).

Bridge skin:

Props to Popcorn for his sojourn to bring an extra rock.  His motto is obviously "go big or go home"

Plenty of fast wheels out there this morning during The Macinac Attack.  Aye.

The lap-walker gals may endure PTSD (post track stress disorder) after having observing the utter chaos, wailing and grinding of teeth around them this morning.

SnapFade was a very welcome emissary from Metro.  Thanks for coming Snap, and thanks for the java at coffeeteria.

Ages this morning ranged from 15-60, including the fresh respect x2 Number One.  Happy BDay Number One!

Good to see Ball Bearing out again, and another FNG.  Keep EH'ing and bringing out the FNGs!

Next week "The Bridge" is converging at the LKN 10-year anniversary at Bailey Road Park at 0630 hours.

That was morning we can hang our hats on men.  This AO has it all and is a fine offering.  Spread the word that there's Iron sharpening iron at The Bridge.  Aye.

Gnarly Goat sends.





