The Magnificent 11’s

It was a beautiful morning of fun in the gloom. On 8/11, we decided to do 11 sets of elevens. I'm not sure the group picked up on that.

Run to launch pad

SSH x 11

Stormtroopers x 11

Merkins x 11

Cotton Pickers x 11

Apollo Ono's x 11


Run to rails on Bailey

Dips x 11

Incline Merkins x 11

Down Unders x 11

Run to lower rails


Run to fountain 


4 corners x 11

Run to each corner of the block

11 Merkins, 11 LBC's, 11 Dry Docks, 11 Hell's Bells

Run down sled hill 

Repeato of Dips, Incline Merkins and Down Unders

Indian Run back home

Mary- LBC's x 11, HB's x 11, Pillow talk x 11 each side, Low flutter and low dolly x 11, Homer to Marge, J. Lo x 11

Finish it off with 5 burpees OYO

We would have done better if the Q knew the difference between flutters and dollies. We would have been a well oiled machine in the Indian Run if the Q knew his way.

Thanks to Shaken for getting lost and letting us catch our breath. Thanks to Kid Rock for finding him. Oh well. Gotta always watch your six. Jethro