Eight mighty warriors came forth to test their mettle and harden their bodies in an effort to attain knighthood. Their first challenge was to overcome the four-headed dragon of GCC. Here is their tale:
WD- Packer, WB- Ty Webb
FNG- Rich (brought by Gray Ghost)
- SSH x 20 (IC)
- Windmill x 10 (IC)
- Slow squat x 10 (IC) (down for three count, up on four)
- Merkin x 10 (IC)
- Mountain climber x 15 (IC)
The Thang
25 minutes of slaying the four-headed dragon (4 corners of church, complete exercise and run to next corner)
- Corner 1- KB curls x 20 (with own KB)
- Corner 2- Hand release merkins x 20
- Corner 3- KB shoulder press x 20 (choice of 30, 35 or 44lb KB)
- Corner 4- Jump squats x 20
Every PAX completed 6 rounds for total of 120 reps of each exercise and approx 1.8 miles of running. Great work!!
Circle up with KB
- Lawnmower x 10 each arm (IC)
- Shoulder shrug x 10 (IC)
- Partner sit-up passing KB x 1 min – Courtesy of Packer
- Skull crusher x 10 (IC) – Courtesy of Gray Ghost
- KB swing x 20 (OYO)
- Crunchy frog x 20 (IC)
- Low flutter x 25 (IC)
- Homer to Marge x 3 (IC)
- Elbow plank x 1 min
Recover, recover
- Great effort by the PAX today! It wasn't easy, but if it was it wouldn't be worth doing!
- Ty Webb informed YHC that Bam Bam gets there early to set up KBs for the PAX, then asked, 'who's got the Q?" Guess I'm not as gracious a host as Bam Bam.
- Tclaps to Packer for consistently crushing every beatdown I've ever seen him at.
- Strong effort by Ty Webb as he took his regular position way out in front of the PAX.
- Always great having Jimmy O in the PAX. Thanks for taking us out!
- Honored to have our Denver brother, Clark, show up with two sizable KBs and slay the dragon.
- Strong work Cooter and thanks for the encouragement along the way.
- Gray Ghost sailed through the beatdown as he usually does. Dude makes it look easy!
- Hope we didn't scare FNG Rich away with this one. Bring him out for an "easier" post next time Ghost.
- Honored to lead this strong group of men. Thanks, Bam Bam, for the opportunity.