The making of happy clowns

Everyone knows that sad clowns are only happy when they are in the circus ring (and birthday parties but that is creepy), so early today twelve sad clowns joined YHC in the cold gloom for some circus training. Temperatures at launch had soared up 50% over Saturday’s workout at The Glen, almost balmy if you are Siberian, which some circus performers are of course.



Circle the flag for pledge led by the honorable Lear.

Circle up in AO start point- SSH x 15, IST x 15, Windmills x 10, Cotton Picker x 10 all in cadence, 5 burpees OYO


Mosey to south end of AO for the thang where we performed our cirque du soleil ab workout.

Partner up and face each other in a plank position. In cadence give your partner an alternating low 5, 4 count x 4. Inchworm your way up (hand walk back to a pike position) and back down to in cadence ‘Murican and Parker Peters x4. Repeato with small modification to CDD instead of ‘Murican. Lap around building and repeato with x5 reps.


Mosey to playground to begin our trapeze work, split to three groups;

Group 1: 10 jump squats, group 2: 5 pull-ups, group 3: 10 tricep dips (rotate and repeato x 3)


Mosey to rock pile to grab a heavy rock;

10 x curls, 10 x skull crushers, 10 x overhead press all in cadence

Lap around building, repeato, half lap and repeato cirque du soleil abs, half lap to more lifting heavy rocks, lap around building to AO start for Mary.

Low Flutter x 10, Box Cutter x 10, skip Cutter Box because I hate it, Freddy Mercury x 10, LBC x 25 all in cadence


Recover recover


Announcements: swing your bells at Chubby Buddha tomorrow



  • The cirque du soleil workout I found via YouTube recommendation due to my phone listening to my thoughts. I must have forgot my tinfoil hat on Saturday and overlord Alphabet, Inc (may he live forever!) read my thoughts as I stewed over what to do for a  workout. I only used a small snippet of the workout as those dudes are in crazy shape. If you want the whole thing, here you go The thought was that it would be a great core workout but my shoulders were smoked by the end, same for others?