The Man Comes Around

A bountiful eleven of North America’s finest came out on a humid but thankfully dry morning to see what form of punishment/judgment was in store from The Man (who) Comes Around.  Here’s their story morning glory.


High knees, butt kicks, karaoke x 2, backwards run, SSH, TS, Windmill, Cotton freakin’ cherry pickers and Mercans. 

The Thang

Cinder block pain stations.  We did 15 of the cinder exercises, and some non-cinder ones were different as noted.

1st set

  • Bent over hockey stick rows (one cinder at each end of hockey stick)

  • Squats with shoulder press

  • Alternating mercans with one hand on cinder

  • Gun show curls

  • Jerk and press (alternate sides)

  • Back and forth steps on cinder – 30

  • Medicine ball mason twist

  • Jump rope (sans rope) – 50

  • Plank – 30 seconds

  • WWII sit-ups – 15

  • Squats

Pax runs one lap around parking lot together

2nd set

  • Incline mercans – with hockey stick in between cinders

  • Skull crushers

  • Upright row

  • Dips

  • Laying down Overhead raise with press

  • Alternating steps on cinders (50)

  • Medicine ball down and ups

  • CDD

  • Lunges

  • Freddie Mercury

  • Mountain climbers – 50

Pax runs one lap around parking lot together

3rd verse, same as the first

No time for last lap, and no time left for Mary


  • American history music series continued this week with a focus on Johnny Cash, aka, the Man in Black

  • “The Man Comes Around" is the title track from Johnny Cash's American IV: The Man Comes Around, released in 2002. It is one of the last songs Cash wrote before his death.Both sung and spoken, the song makes numerous Biblical references, especially to the Book of Revelation.

    • A spoken portion from Revelation introduces the song. The passage describes the coming of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, each heralded by one of the "four beasts"

    • The musical portion then begins with Cash reciting that "the man" (Jesus Christ) will one day come to pass judgment. The chorus indicates that these events will be accompanied by trumpets, (as in Rev. 8,9,11), pipers (Rev.18:22), and "one hundred million angels singing". The voice of the Lord in Revelation is often likened to the sound of a loud trumpet (Revelation 1:10; 4:1; and 8:13).

    • The song also alludes to the Parable of the Ten Virgins from the Gospel of Matthew (25:1–13) with the lyrics "The virgins are all trimming their wicks," a reference to the virgins' preparation of the Second Coming of Christ.

    • The phrase, "It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks" cites Acts 26:14, where Paul the Apostle describes meeting Jesus while traveling to Damascus. It is a reference to a Greek proverb where a kicking ox only injures himself by attempting to kick against a goad, intended to represent the futility of resisting the Lord.

    • Elsewhere, the song mentions the wise men who bow before the Lord's throne, and cast their "golden crowns" at the feet of God. Revelation 4 refers to elders who worship the Lord and "lay their crowns" before Him. "Alpha and Omega" refers to Jesus Christ (Rev.1:8,11, 21:6, 22:13). "Whoever is unjust… etc." is a quote from Revelation 22:11.

  • All that said, Q really likes that song

  • Setlist of songs accompanying today’s workout:

    • The Man Comes Around

    • Ghost riders in the Sky

    • Ring of Fire

    • Highwayman (sung by the Highwaymen: Johnny Cash, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, and Kris Kristofferson)

    • Hurt (cover of Nine Inch Nails song)

    • A Boy Named Sue

    • God’s Gonna Cut You Down

    • Folsom Prison Blues

    • I Walk The Line

    • Man in Black

  • That is a fine slice of Americana right up in there

  • Q came ready for 8 cinder pain stations on the iPhone that each had 2 exercises, and needed to audible to accommodate 11 stations.Shout out to Knocked Up for offering his timely ideas

  • 704 really knows and really likes his Johnny Cash

  • Perhaps it was due to the fine Man in Black accompaniments, or the absence of Oktoberfest in attendance to bring things down a few levels, but did not capture a whole lot of mumblechatter today

  • Welcome FNG Antonio Bennett to MIL F3. He is from just down the road a piece. He came along with Eric Brown (aka, Horton) who is further down the road a bigger piece from York, which apparently is located South of the Border in SC. Horton is also one of those crazy mutha 'Ruckers

  • Glad it did not rain, since we woulda’ done it anyway, but the chalk aspect may have been challenging

  • Great work men!