This is how it started (aka Warmorama):
- STH x 20
- WM x 12
- SDC x 12
- IST x 12
The Thang:
Simple KB exercise ladder with
- x Swings
- x Squats
- x Curls
- x Shoulder Presses
- x Shull Crushers
- Lap around the green
Reps (SC), x = 5, 10, 15, 20, 25)
We stayed together in cadence going up the ladder, on our own going down the ladder
5 mins remained for Mary:
- JLo (Amen called)
- Cockroaches, the dying kind (Frontier)
- LBC’s (Colonel)
- Touch dem Heels (Bob Ross)
- ST Merkins (Snake Eyes)
- Flutter Kicks (Ping, in a monotone, slow, I have had too much fun this week cadence)
The Many Rewards for Q’ing included:
- First and foremost, the privilege and honor of leading these fine men of purpose (thank you Hot Wax!)
- A “The Swingers Club” sticker
- A ride in Top Gun’s Porsche – beautiful morning for a cruise with the top off with a couple rapid accelerations in route to coffeeteria, all part of demonstrating the many safety features of the vehicle esp. the “get the f out of here fast” feature
- A free coffee (thanks to whoever picked up the many coffees this am, YHC likes to think it was a special coffee for the Cauldron Q)
Thanks for the Q and the kind words. When I gave Toxic a ride I demoed the “Ejecto Seato, cuz” feature. He got a blast out of it. 😂