The Marathon at Gladiator

Event Date

Oct 20, 2020

So the M came home from a FiA workout last week raving and complaining about it.  She also mentioned she thought I'd like it, and it just so happened I'd been heavily EH'ed by Carpetbagger to Q Gladiator this week, so the timing was good.  So she (Native) forwarded me the Crossfit workout they used, which I modified slightly (obviously only to make it harder *devil*).

The PB was sent Monday afternoon with little to no response in the world of Twitter other than Popcorn asking if The MARATHON workout would include running…  *facepalm*  

Well… then a few of the ladies of sweet FiA Nation met to celebrate one of their own overcoming a significant challenge to be able to return to the Gloom. I believe cocktails were consumed, and my PB was (somehow) found by FiA's "espn" (pronounced "esspen" not E-S-P-N I believe). It went downhill from there.  The first FiA reply to the PB was "Y'all aren't man enough for this workout…"  Well at that point IT WAS ON.  To the point I attempted to pull up the epic quote from American Pie from Stiffler.  Found and sent it then realized it said, "It's on like Donkey Kong, BIIIATCH".  I truly was only looking for the "It's on like Donkey Kong" meme…  Oops. *angel*.  I'm sure our FiA sisters understood we meant no disrespect.  *dont-talk-to-me*

So after much banter back and forth and for fear we'd soon be trending on Twitter which might land us on ABC in a prime time debate with a mean moderator and pull ratings higher than Donald and Joe, I felt it was time to put the phone down and go to bed.  Presumably FiA did the same and awoke to nurse their hangovers and feel bad about their bullying.  *grumpycat*

10 pax showed up (8 at about 5:29:30) in the gloom, some aware of the PB and freestyle rap battle with FiA, others completely clueless as to what was in store (Good morning, Amen). Here's what went down *aw-yeah*:

VERY quick disclaimer as we awaited the late pax to circle up from their vehicles.  Joggy-jog around the parking lot, which measures right at a 1/4 mile.  Stop beyond the pull-up bars, grab cinder blocks, circle up.

Warm-o-rama (gotta wonder did FiA do a warmup?) of SSHs, ISTs.

The THANG:  After each exercise, run a 1/4 mile lap.  Exercises were:

Hand-Release Merkins x 26

Block Swings x 26

Sit-Ups (full, not LBCs) x 26

Full Curls w/ Blocks x 26 In Cadence (2nd set 13 IC for time)

Squats w/ Blocks x 26 In Cadence (2nd set 13 IC for time)

Lawn Mowers w/ Blocks x 26 (13 each arm) – Audibled from X-Fit/FiA from Dead Lifts.

Then repeat it all over again. 

In total… 

52 Hand-release Merkins

52 Block Swings

78 Full Curls

78 Squats with blocks

52 Lawn Mower Pulls (26 each arm). 

12 laps for 2.9 miles (should be 3 – I'm sure it was) *puking*

The Marathon Moleskine:

The banter w/ FiA Nation last night was hilarious and very motivating!  Without it, I would have likely audibled half way through this horrific event and cut out some of the running and/or reps.  Thank you, FiA!

When the M came home from this workout last week, she said (complained) they ran 2 miles. This was either a trick, or the FiA lap was shorter than the F3 lap.  The CrossFit workout she sent me stated 400M run between exercises.  I checked and that is 0.248548 miles.  I drove the St Mark parking lot to ensure we got exactly that distance in.  FiA total = 2 miles.  F3 total = 3 miles. *mic-drop*

I got so tired and flustered that when I asked the pax if they'd prefer 13 squats IC with blocks or 26 air squats (the FiA/Crossfit workout), I accidentaly called out 26 squats with blocks IN CADENCE.  Ma bad, fellas.*itwasntme*

Appreciate the Fartlek pax showing F3Strong encouragement with the fly-by around 5:50AM.  I do believe they were in awe of our Marathon completion. *slowclap*

This was a tough workout.  T-Claps to FiA for crushing it and for the M for lovingly sharing it with F3.

My message at the end to all our brothers and sisters:  God loves all his children.  He loved me when I voted when I was 18 and had no clue who/what I was voting for.  He's loved me every time I've voted.  He loved me 4 years ago when I voted one way, and he'll love me when I vote this year another way.  He loves everyone I talk to or who talks to me about politics. Our country was built on Freedom (Happy birthday, btw, Freedom! – Sorry I missed your Q at Fallout). MANY freedoms, including freedom of speech and the freedom to vote. Be glad and be proud that we all get a vote. Don't make it personal, don't attack those who may not share your opinions.  Before you respond (even if being attacked) ask yourself, "How would Jesus respond?" and "Is this worth risking our friendship or relationship?" It is not. Take the high road and remind yourself that God loves His children with zero regard for who they vote for.  He expects us to love ALL His children, too.

The Force *shocker*
