The Meatgrinder

Event Date

Mar 15, 2018



We warmed up


The Thang

We ran back to the play ground

Multiple stations took place:

Pull ups

Step Ups

Decline Merkins


Situps with block



We did a small hill run

We returned to stations swapping pull ups for toe touches and skull crushers for curls

We did a large hill run

We did mary



At 5:30 we began and had 3 Pax. By 5:35 we had 7 and could finally leave the AO. Must have been doing their makeup again. It's becoming a trend. It was colder than I thought it would be and your Q was cold. Glad one westerner showed up to join us. Kudos to Clark. FYI I will pull for State against Seaton Hall, you're welcome. Q forgot a light so the playground was pretty dark and caused an Omaha.

Thanks for letting me Q. Seems to be the only way I post these days. #SaveMulligan




