The Michigan Merican Mile Welcomes the Pax to the New Year

Event Date

Jan 02, 2016


Pax who have NOT registered on F3Isotope:  TheWhiz, Kachow

FNG's:  Bonhoeffer (FNG named today), TheWhiz's 2.0, Thug's 2.0


To fight the frigid temps (33 degrees at the 7 am launch), we did the following:

  • SSH x20 IC
  • ISS x20 IC
  • Little arm circles, back to front and front to back while going from small to large – a lucky number seven count on each motion to ensure the arms and shoulders were warm (a precursor of things to come, if you will)
  • Arm and shoulder stretch across the chest (DANGER WILL ROBINSON!)
  • Slow mosey to football field with a lap around the track where we did terioyke and quadraphelia to ensure that the legs and hips were limber (DANGER WILL ROBINSON!)

The Thang

  • The Michigan
    • This little doozie consists of a rolling rotation of sprints from 25% to 50% to 75% to an all out sprint. That is 4 sprints.
    • The Pax lines up at the goal line and performs 10 sprints at 100 yards, using the rolling rotation outlined above
    • Then the line moves up to the 20 yard line and we perform 8 sprints (keeping the 25-50-75-100 rotation)
    • Move up to the 40 and do 6 sprints, the opposing 40 and do 4 and close out with 2 springs at 20 yards
  • The Gettin' Ready for the beach workout
    • After every other sprint, i.e. when we were back on the launch point, we did a set of 'Mericans. Here is the list and counts:
    1. Wide Merican IC X10
    2. Diamond Merican OYO X10 – Single count
    3. Stagger Right Merican OYO X10
    4. Stagger Left Merican OYO X10
    5. Chuck Norris Merican (on knuckles) OYO X10
    6. Spider Man Merican (right leg crossed under) OYO X10
    7. Spider Man Merican to other side OYO X10
    8. Incline Merican OYO X10
    9. Derkin OYO X10
    10. Man Maker OYO X10 (5 aside)
    11. The Bruce Merican OYO X10 (The Bruce requires you to start with one ankle wrapped over the other ankle, then you cross your ankles over at the top of the Merican keeping only one leg connected to the ground at all times)
    12. The Cait Merican OYO X10 (The Cait has you cross your legs at the bottom of the Merican)
    13. The Crucible Merican

We then mosied around the track for a cool down and some mumble chatter as we tried to figure out how to name Jonathan (now Bonhoeffer).    The Pax also needed a breather as the Michigan eats the legs and the Mericans were absolutely eating the arms and chest. 

We reconvened at the rock pile, and selected a rock for a quick round of:

  •  Low curls X12 IC
  • High curls X12 IC
  • Kettle Bell 8 Count ManMaker(poorly counted I might add) X8
  • Skull crushers X10 IC

We then hustled back to the auditorium in order finish out with some LBCs, Crunchy Frogs, Mason Twists etc with the F3 Dads and 2.0s. 

The Moleskin

A frigid start soon led to lots of sweat.   Congrats on posting in the first blast of winter weather.   I hope you feel stronger, better and faster after that effort today. Keep showing up and you will crush 2016. The mumblechatter started early and then quickly quieted when the Michigan started to pull the lungs out of everyone.  Some people struggled with the cool air in their windpipes but found a way to keep going.  

Bonhoeffer walked into a buzz saw for his second posting.   He held in there and kept on ticking. He also has a fantastic beard, which is a trait that I do get envious of as I lack that capability. 

Mayhem and Thug demonstrated what the Men of F3 were about.   They encouraged, prodded and cajoled others to be their best. Thug's handling of his 2.0 was masterful.   Great leadership Thug. 

Kachow demonstrated his wheels even though he was fighting through a strained calf.  

Catfish was a solid counter who kicked tail.  He nailed the Mericans every time I checked. 

BillyClub continues to deny his bloodline by demonstrating some high end wheels for a 12 year old. He also showed a capability for #mumblechatter that confirms he is a son of N1teSt1ck. 

TheWhiz and his 2.0 were hustling and kept finding a way to get there.  The Michigan has swallowed veterans of F3 before and TheWhiz and Joseph kept pushing and getting better.   

The entire Pax was able to beat YHC in a 100% sprint at 60 yards which enabled them to get an extra 10 count instead of another round of Mericans.   

YHC is smoked and struggling to keep his shoulders above the keyboard. Ice and beer are in order to ensure that the proper healing occurs. 

Happy New Year everyone.