The Mighty Oak brings the sweat out


SSH/Cotton pickers

The Thang:

Cinder Blocks were all lined up behind school parking lot.  thanks from fellow PAX arriving early to help.

Start at one end.

  • 8 Burpees doing a broad jump over your cinder block each time
  • sprint to other side of parking lot
  • 8 Merkins IC (16)
  • sprint back to cinder blocks
  • REPEAT 4 rounds

Grab a block and run to front of school:

  • 10 Thrusters with Cinder Blocks (squat to overhead press) – all together
  • 40 toe touches on planters – 20 IC
  • 10 Curls IC
  • V-Ups with Cinderblock on Chest or better yet over your head and pull up to V position
  • Run about 200 yards

Grab Cinder block and back to original spot

Cinder block is placed about 10 yards in front of each PAX

  • 6 Merkins
  • bear crawl to your cinder block
  • 6 Incline Merkins
  • crawl over your block
  • 6 decline merkins
  • bear crawl 10 yards
  • 6 merkins
  • SPRINT to end of parking lot
  • 15 Low Flutters IC
  • 20 REAL Mountain Climbers (right toe touches right wrist and left toe touches left wrist)
  • sprint back

Still some time left for Maryish workout

  • Low flutters – run to first bball goal and back
  • Slow 10 second merkins (10 seconds up and 10 seconds down for a minute – run to 2nd bball goal and back
  • V-Ups with Cinder Block – run to 3rd bball goal and back

Recover Recover


  • So humid out there, the sweat was pouring out as the PAX gave it their all.
  • Not much time to rest and talk and really didn't hear much of anything!
  • Junk (thanks for coming out) was good for some commentary, but i just can't recall what made me laugh
  • The Mighty Oak is a great AO if you haven't been, come check it out.  
  • We were looking for Ditka, but someone noted that if he's not the Q, he doesn't show up.  However, it seems he was doing burpees in the elevation in Colorado, so will cut him some slack!
  • Thanks for the opportunity to lead, its truly an honor

Raven, thanks for taking us out.  Tough times in our world indeed, keep law enforcement and the men and women overseas in your prayers. we need it.

Till next time…Bam Bam