The Mighty Oak Passes The Test

Event Date

Mar 10, 2021

It was test day at TMO and most made the grade. YHC pulled out the annual military PT test which has been in play for about 4-5 years as a great benchmark for the pax on their fitness. We used the minimum acceptable standards to be in the Army as our baseline and challenged ourselves for a perfect score based on our age. 

3 Men met the standard head on this am.


  • 15 SSH
  • 10 IST
  • 10 Windmills
  • 10 Toy Soldiers 
  • 10 Perrier led squats
  • Partner up and mosey to get blocks

Merkin Test: 2mins for as many proper form merkins as you can do while partner counts, then flapjack. For us 40+ guys 35 is the bare minimum and 70 is perfect.

Situp Test: 2 mins for as many proper form situps that can be done with no resting and hands behind the head, then flapjack. 35 is bare minium and 65 is perfect for the 40s crowd. To be Covid safe we use blocks to hold the feet down so partners where not face to face. 

1 Mile Run Test: Mosey to the crosswalk and run two laps around the school to gain 1 mile run. 40+ age group needed to hit 9:20 pace or better and perfect is 7:05.

With a little time left we did some block work & mary:

  • Curls with blocks while partner does merkins
  • T-bag squats with blocks
  • Homer To Marge (without blocks)
  • TurnCoat led Morrican Night Clubs 
  • Low Flutters 
  • Low Dolly

Mosey to the Jeep for awards ceremony:

Merkin Winner: PopTart with just enough merkins to stay in the Army (they say by choice he could have done 80)

Situp Winner: Dino similar to PopTart he rocked it 

Running Winner: Hoodie with putting it on cruise control and not actually working yet still getting a perfect score


  • Starting my birthday celebration with these fine gentleman was a great start to the day!
  • Impressive work by all today especially Uncle Rico who went bell to bell using all 2 minutes to knock out his pain
  • T-Claps to TurnCoat who allowed me to finish in front of him on the run since it was my birthday even though he could have burried me at anytime
  • Welcome back Cotter (Smokey) to beatdowns, great to have you back, we didn't hear the numbers but pretty sure you had a perfect score today on the PT test.
  • Homer to Marge AKA "Hold Its" were not the same without DonHo hope the Fart Sack was enjoyable
  • Look out Gypsy is becoming a regular, maybe we will see him at Arnies on mondays, you know its on the same street as his house, just saying. 
  • How about Hoodie a true beatdown guy and runner. He crushed Monday beatdown and Tuesday running then handled his business this am.
  • Thanks to Dingo for the opportunity to lead these beasts today.

See you all in the gloom!