The Millenium Meets Emmaus

Event Date

Dec 23, 2016


PAX of 8 (mostly runners) showed their faces at Emmaus for a good aulde fashion beat down. The millenium was the order of the day as the PAX crushed 1,000 reps of various exercises.

The Thang

  • SSH 50X IC
  • 10 burpees OYO – repeato 2X (30 total)
  • 10 Muricans IC/10 squats IC – 5 total sets for a total of 100 reps each
  • 10 Bulgarian split squats IC (10 IC each leg)/10 dips IC
    • Reached 100 total reps of BSS's before finishing the dips
    • Final 2 sets of dips was super setted with 10 burpees OYO (20 total)
  • 20 Mary Katherine's (now known as Curry's) OYO/10 Carolina dry docks IC
  • 25 mountain climbers IC
  • 10 rounds of Jack Webbs (55 total reps)
  • 25 mountain climbers IC
  • 10 burpees OYO


  • Low flutter 30X IC
  • Heals to heaven 15X IC
  • Pillow talk 10X IC (right side), 15X IC (left side)



  • Despite YHC's best efforts I was unable to stymy the mumble chatter brought by Mini Me and 9 Lives – I suppose it's easy to keep talking when you do half the reps
  • Many lessons in Q school this morning – is it "Ready position" or "Starting position"?
  • Turnpike receives man of integrity award for not skipping a single rep
  • Turnpike, Mini Me, and 9 Lives are also beasts for getting up even earlier than the rest of us and running the standard beforehand
  • Billy Bob silently crushed every rep – I hope the workout was challenging enough for you buddy
  • A lot of pastoral power this a.m. with the two toughest preachers in NoCo standing side by side: Tweetsie and Cornwallis
  • Jedi provided some interesting commentary on what NOT to do with your holiday lawn ornaments – note to self, ensure your lawn decorations are secured firmly in wanted position
  • Mr. Burns wasn't present, I guess clipboarding at yesterday's Spearhead was just too much to handle
  • Great lead by Jedi during 3rd F, as always