The Murph, return of YHC and a first for Cheese

Event Date

Sep 30, 2024

6 posted for a post Helene Murph. The swamp that is typical of the practice field at the AO has seemed to fair well with the rains. FNG-1 is Penny Wolf. Register your name on the site. Maybe you have because Cheese registered Saturday and he hasn’t been approved yet. Is this thing on? Bueller? Bueller? FNG-2 is Cheese, my 2.3, 14. Completed his first Murph! Travolta and Iron Horse donned the actual body armor.

We ran a mile. Well technically I walked 1/2 mile because I’m not cleared to run yet, but everyone else did
100 pull-ups
200 ‘Mericans
300 squats
Then another mile

We circled up and discussed the events of the hurricane and were happy to have (most of us) our utilities back. Travolta is still on generator power. Sparrow maybe is still out of internet. Export, (Kotter) was in Asheville over the weekend. Travolta thinks he’s okay, but no confirmation yet. We completed a ball of man and prayed it out, thankful for the many blessings the good Lord has given and prayed for those in struggle. LOTS of opportunities to give back and help out the community of our brethren in the mountains. Find a way to help. That might be prayer, or might also include finances or time volunteering. Many churches are organizing aid and I’m sure we will have rebuilding opportunities in the next year. For now it’s evacuation, reuniting and meeting basic needs or food, medical and shelter, followed by cleanup. 

Verse of the day, Ecclesiastes 12:13 (Homework, read the chapter… it’s only 13 verses, makes more sense for the verse in context. I’ll make it easy) 

The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.

Solomon in Chapter 12 is speaking about aging and what’s important as we age. Eventually we will get tired and maybe can’t do as much as we once could while we are/were young, so do what you can while you can and do it to honor the Lord. Also remember to keep the commandments. Sound off in the comments.