The Mystery Q Cometh

There comes a time in a man's life that he needs a little more mystery. Wondering who is going to Q a workout is no exception. The Twitter pre-blast for Emmaus clearly did the trick, PAX were clamoring to know who the Q would be the second they arrived. YHC did not disappoint.

But getting to find out who the Q would be wasn't the only mystery the PAX experienced, they were equally befuddled to see that YHC had packed his car i.e., the MINI, with 25 lb. plates enough for each man in attendance. No one had ever seen so many weights come out of such a small car, nor had they ever seen one so low to the ground due to the extra 400 lbs. being carried.

At that point all the mystery was gone. The PAX partnered up and endured a series of weighted farmer carries, overhead presses, dips, squats and even skull crushers. They traded weights back and forth as they made their way up and down the greenway between the movie theatre and Starbucks. There was a fair amount of mumble chatter, but nothing was heard more loudly than the groans when in-cadence dips went beyond 10x to 15x.

Thank you Ramrod for giving me the opportunity to lead this morning. It’s always fun to bring the weights out and do more than just a body weight workout.
