The New Horseshoe

The Thang:

The Flat Horseshoe (the FH) is the new thing, much better than the old thing.  Even out-of-staters traveled back for the new thing. 


Here is how it went.  You run a bit: intelligently on a flat, even and well-lit surface without fear of vehicular injury, do the first thing, run a bit more, do the first and second thing, etc., all in a well-lit area with a mild and cooling breeze allowing for plenty of 2nd F and the necessary encouraging mumblechatter: except Blackbeard, he moved his kettlebell to one end of the playground and FH’d alone (don’t read anything “extra” into that).  

On the sixth rotation you drop the first thing and do the second through the fith thing, and so on.  Even OSU fans grasped it straight away.



  • SSH x 15

  • < > x 15

    Toy Soldier x 15

  • Mosey to the pull-up bars, Zamporini-style


The exercises: 

  • 25 mason twists (hitting both sides counts as 1)

  • 25 curls

  • 20 WW2 sit-ups with kettlebell

  • 25 skull crushers

  • 25 LBCs

    After ‘The FH’, Mary:

  • Homer to Marge & other things (Kid Rock)

  • Cursive W x 15 (Stapler)

  • Pillow Talk x 10 (bagboy)

  • Reverse Break Dance x 10 (Baller)

  • Break Dance x 10 (Omega)

  • Airborne Mindbender (Free Pass)

Naked-man Moleskin:

  • Pilot #1: didn’t make it ½ way through: runs too long and counts too high.

  • Pilot #2: runs were too short and the counts too low.

  • Soft Launch #1: runs still too short and the counts still too low.

  • Thanks to all who came out today, good mumble chatter from the usual crowd

  • Thug ran strong and manhandled that kettlebell like his 23 year marriage

  • Thanks to Stapler for giving me the Q this week and many thanks to Mini Me for EH’ing me 8+ years ago at a Mt. Zion “Journey” men’s breakfast.He is such a dreamy guy and I’m forever grateful that he brought me to this group of men.If you feel the same – either that mini me is dreamy or – that you are thankful for the brother who EH’d you, spread the word.Jolly Roger said it best that someone out there is praying for this and they won’t know unless you tell them.Someday YOU might be dreamy too!

  • Remember – it’s the new thing!