The new “Rock” ford files


12 men signed up for the premiere of the "Rock"ford files

Warmorama:  Warmup run around lot

Disclaimer – hit all 4 points

20 SSH IC 
15 Imperial Stormtroopers IC
15 Cotton Pickers IC
Runner stretches
10 Toy Soldiers IC
10 Merkins IC

Head to wall for People's Chair & Air presses x 20

The Thang:

Mosey to Rock pile, head to parking lot for the main event.

1.  Partner 1 does rock curls while Partner 2 runs down to street light and back.  Flip flop to 100 reps.
2.  Partner 1 does rock chest presses while Partner 2 runs down to street light and back.  Flip flop to 200 reps.
3.  Partner 1 does LBCs while Partner 2 runs down to street light and back.  Flip flop to 300 reps.

Plank, Downward Dog, Cobra, and Pidgeon stretches courtesy of Gnarley Goat

Rocks up:

10 Full curls IC
10 Skull crushers IC
10 Merkins IC
Move 4 rocks to the left

10 Overhead presses IC
10 Squats IC
10 Merkins IC
Move 4 rocks to the left

Reapto of both sets

Put rocks back and Mosey to parking lot for Mary

10 Crunchy Frog – Deep Dish
20 Low Dolly – Holiday
20 W – Bounceyhouse
20 Rosalita – Hat Trick

Not much Mumblechatter this morning, but some of us had a nice discussion on the benefits of vintage cotton.  Thanks GG!

Strong showing by Turbo, who certainly lived up to his nickname.

Hat Trick channeled his inner "Uncle Rico" by choosing what had to be the biggest rock in the pile.  Damn that thing was heavy!

Thanks to the PAX for a great effort, and for allowing me to lead this great group of men.

Deep Dish