The Next Crop of Ruckers

16 of the finest men in Isotope gathered to run with rucks…allegedly. Here is their story:


Professor, Mr. H and YHC met The Standard for ~2.75 miles






SSH x 25 IC

IST x 10 IC

Carrot puller x 10 IC

Burpees x 10 OYO




3 pax carry coupons
Everyone else sprint to next 1/4 mi marker & mosey back to pick up 6 until all pax at marker


Mericans x 10 IC

Low flutter x 15 IC

Bonnie Blairs x 20 OYO

Burpees x 5 OYO


Switch pax carrying coupons & repeato x 2


Turnaround to head back to the fountain


3 pax carry coupons
Everyone else sprint to next 1/4 mi marker & mosey back to pick up 6 until all pax at marker


CDD x 10 IC

LBCs x 15 IC

Squats x 10 IC

Burpees x 5 OYO


Switch pax carrying coupons & repeato x 2


Incline mericans x 10 IC
Dips x 15 IC
Low dolley x 10 IC
Burpees x 5 OYO


3 pax carry coupons
Everyone else sprint back to the fountain 




Homer to Marge

Low flutter x 25 IC

Low dolley x 10 IC

Mobility minute (with the master leading himself)
Burpees x 10 OYO

Recover recover





  • Fully expected pax to ruck as in walk w/ coupons…they always ran & were not always the six…strong
  • Running with rucks is not advised…a complete disclaimer was given
  • Awesome to meet Timecheck…crushed it brother!
  • Burpees are much easier after a mobility minute
  • Mumble chatter came in the form of huffs and puffs or maybe the pax was just being considerate of the chupacabra that lives near the greenway
  • Check out the Shield Lock Challenge…see Cherry Bomb if you have questions
  • Awesome to be back at Hollywood! Lots of faces that YHC hasn't seen in a while (apparently need to get to Hollywood more). Thanks for the opportunity to Q Goat. Thank you men for posting this morning and making every morning worth getting out of bed. You men continue to encourage and motivate and for that YHC is thankful. Now go be the light for someone who needs you to be awesome today. Until the next time…