The Next Phase of the Plan

17 men seemlessly transitioned from Speed to Stregth as we moved into the next phase of "The Plan".  As the runners of F3LKN are aware, there are about 57 different "plans" floating around at current but all of them appear to be working so that's a good thing. Here is their story

0400:  After specifically being asked if he needed a Q and refusing, MQ PopTart reached out saying he had to be at work early to meet with his boss.   Not sure what kind of boss reaches out at 0400 to set up meetings, but whatever, YHC was happy to step up and take the reins

.0450: YHC pulls into Robbins Park as the group begins to grow.  Most of the Myrtle Crew made it out, Ghost made an early morning workout and even El Chapo showed up for the first time since Basin Run.

0455:  YHC makes the call that the original plan for the #Gaga 1600m segment, which is uphill will the entire way, will be shelved in favor of the Greenway.  The applause is thunderous, mostly by DonHo.


Option 1:

  • 1 mile warmup to the Greenway
  • 6 x 1m repeats at MP -10-15 seconds.  400m AR between each
  • 1 mile cool down back to Gaga

Option 2: Go run ~100 miles with Garcia

Recover Recover



  • Perfect day to forget what the Q had planned and head down to the Greenway.  Nice warm temps, flat grounds, no puddles.
  • Strong work by all PAX today,  Transitioning to from speed to strengh wasn't easy.  More miles and the pace isn't that much slower. 
  • Good to see regulars Auto, DonHo, Anchovy, Lego getting after it as usual.  Now if they could only use basic math to figure out what pace to be running and how long to recover between each
  • Great to see Professor out there again.  After a well deserved break, he's committed to #RunningFastAgainIn2019
  • Mr Holland is crushing 2019.  He now has a Garmin, a Strava account and has run at least 3 miles 8 days in a row.  Strong work brother.  It doesn't get easier, but you will get better
  • The Myrtle Crew (Big Montana, Count, Little Finger, Mac and Cheese) just show up and work.  Awesome to see all the effort paying off. 
  • We missed you out there PopTart, thank for the opportunity to lead.

Onto #TempoThursday!
