The Night Ranger gang working the street corners.

Event Date

Feb 08, 2017

Five regulars plus one FNG, McEnroe, worked the street corners around Huntersville Presbyterian Church. We picked up our newly named FNG two weeks ago in the parking lot of the tennis courts off Sherwood. Here's how it went.

The Warmup

We started the night with the typical, a mosey around DPK, a disclaimer, and 



WM IC X 15

and Burpees??? X 5

The Thang

A short mosey past Crafty's to our first street corner. Five burpees, and then five more. We ran to corner two for ten merkins, and back to corner one for another round of five burpees.

We continued this nonsense around the block, each time going to the next street corner. Stopping at each corner for the assigned, pain station. First for 15 squats, then 20 Carolina Dry Docks, and finally 25 LBCs.


A quick run back to DPK for what was probably only 2 minutes of Mary. Sorry guys I was excited about our pending Name-O-Rama. 



I really enjoy getting to spend time every Wednesday with the Night Ranger bunch. It is a fantastic group of guys.

Welcome FNG McEnroe. Glad to have you with us.

We also learned an important lesson, it's always the last time over a crack in the sidewalk that is the hardest. Freedom took a tumble that would have made Boy George proud, but he got right back up, and finished strong. As he always does. Inspiring.