The Odd Couple

Event Date

Feb 01, 2016



On a rare, odd occurrence, we had 29 Pax join for the Monday morning beatdown.  Normal Monday attendance is somewhere south of 20.  As a result, the co-Q's (Creeper and I) had to divide and conquer.  

Given the fact that Creeper and I aren't really normal, and the fact that we had an abnormally high turnout for a Monday, I decided to dish out an "Odd Couple" workout.

Creeper lead the warmups (SSH, IST, Windmills, Merkins, Calf stretches, Leg stretches), then we split up the pax.  You'll have to read Creeper's #BB to get his details.  For mine, see below.

  1. Mosey to the Lake Norman Christian School.
  2. Exercise group one – Pull ups and Dips
    • Start with 9 pull ups.  Run to picnic tables and do 19 dips.  Next do 7 pull ups, 17 dips, etc.  Finish with 1 pull up and 11 dips.
  3. Exercise group two – People's Chair and Merkins
    • 19 seconds on the wall in the People's Chair, followed by 19 straight count merkins.
    • 17 seconds, 17 wide Merkins
    • 15 seconds, 15 hand-release Merkins
    • 13 seconds, 13 regular Merkins
    • 11 seconds, 11 diamond Merkins
    • 13 seconds, 9 regular
    • 15 seconds, 7 wide
    • 17 seconds, 5 regular
    • 19 seconds, 3 diamond
  4. Mosey to DUMC
  5. Exercise group three – Wall Bags and WWII situps
    • 19 Wall Bags (start with sand bag, do a squat and then push/throw your bag up against a wall.  Catch bag and repeat) followed by 19 WWII situps.
    • 17 / 17, 15 / 15, finish with 11 / 11 due to time constraints
  6. Exercise group four – Curls and Skull Crushers
    • 2 sets of 15 / 15 each
  7. Mosey back to The Green for COT (too late for Mary, unfortunately)