The Odyssey is starting to feel different

Event Date

Sep 02, 2022


5:15am YHC showed up early as some Odyssey regulars like to get a little extra, however Little Finger slept in today so I rolled alone for a mosey

5:30am the pax rolled in (5:32am for Hoodie) and after a nice disclaimer we took to the mean streets of Birkdale. At roughly .75 in we enounters some rough looking ruckers and one vicious dog! After narrowly surviving the encounter Dingo and Big M had enough of us and blazed their own trail in serach of a Turtle. As we topped the greenway at Westmoreland we stopped for a little pain and the pax were confused and said this isn't 4 Banger. They are right this is the new Odyssey and we do running and pain. We even did some at the tree park and at the corner by Teeter before returning to the safe and friendly confines of Birkdale Landing where Summit welcomed us and we found Big M. Dingo, and PopTart crushing a kettle bell workout.


  • Great to have Hoodie back, he is worth waiting the extra 2 mins for even if he is on a pain strike because he doesn't want to get his new lifter shoes dirty
  • Note Hoodie was towering over PopTart today in his new shoes 
  • Some paxed mentioned this was the best Odyssey in 6 years, or maybe it was the most different in 6 years either way YHC took it as a compliment! 
  • Perrier has a new running style and as proof on Tuesday he is now faster at 50 then he was at 40
  • Prayers for all the kids going back to school and the challenges that come with that
  • I am told if I Q Odyssey one more time its 3 in a row and I become the MQ, the pax are begging for Royal to come back and steer the ship to safer waters
  • Great to see men putting in the work this am and thankful for the opportunity to lead 