The only dry AO the Wednesday before Xmas.

17 showed up for a rainy morning but lucky for us no one got wet… But not sure they were too happy to see what was waiting for them when they arrived.  Pain stations, AMRAPS and up hills welcomed them with open arms.



  • SSH
  • Soybean farmer
  • Quadrophelia to the top
  • Skip to my lou down with big arm circles


Time to work –

Everyone started with set one and rotate to the next station, after set one is complete start set 2 and rotate.

30 sec each station – 10 sec rest

Set 1 –

Set 2 –

Squat jump twist


2 arm block swing

Block press or single arm swing

Line Jump

Hand release Merkins

Block squat

Block rows

Russian twist

Elbow plank

Flutter kicks

Knee to elbow plank

Balls to the wall

Carolina Drydocks


  • Run to the top of the garage and back down skipping like a kid with big arm circles

Repedo 45 sec each station – 10 sec rest

  • Run up one level and back down

Repedo – Lighting round 25 sec station – 5 sec rest

            Jog to the top and down the steps for the circle of trust


Moleskin –

  • 16 hard chargers decided to show up on time to give the mad scientist a try on this gloomy morning.
  • You probably see a discrepancy in the numbers well that’s because Turnpike thinks we start workouts on his time, he likes to show up late don’t think we didn’t notice Turnpike
  • And then after arriving late decided to complain about the workout not being runner friendly.   Next time turnpike gets to do more burpees
  • Glad to see some new faces and the young stallion in Luigi show up today.  I hope we were able to hang with you.
  • Tuk and Captain Shirley you are younger than most of us old men but not as young as the 28 yr old Lugi…  Hopefully we didn’t slow you all down to old man speed.
  • Capitain Shirley I disappointed not to see our name as registered on the F3 site.  Get registered.
  • Qbert is another youngin but he obviously can’t hang seeing that he left early, maybe next time qbert.
  • Anyone noticed how quiet it was?  It was either because they were getting smoked early on or I think it was because etch-a-sketch once again decided to leave early.  But for the right reasons, got to take care of the family.

I’m glad everyone was able to make the DRY AO for some back to the basics work.  Just in time for Christmas, I hope you all feel it tomorrow.  Thanks again jimmy O for the pleasure of dealing out the pain.  Everyone have a great Christmas and Happy New year…