The Only Seats Available Are In The Smoked Section

Someone get these guys signed up! 14 pax bought a matinee ticket for an independent film directed and produced by YHC. It went a little something like this:


  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller (Tennessee Style) x 10 IC
  • Mobility Minute
  • Merkins x 10 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 20 IC

The Thang

Line up in the south theater parking lot at the first set of “islands”.

  • CDD x 10 OYO at each island, bear crawl between islands
  • Squat x 20 OYO at each island, lunge walk between islands
  • LBCs x 25 OYO at each island, crab walk between islands
  • Diamond Merkins x 10 OYO at each island, bear crawl between islands

Mosey to the blocks:

  • Full curl x 10 IC
  • OH Press x 10 IC
  • Lawn mower x 10 IC (each side)
  • One-hand on block Merkin x 10 IC (each side)
  • Block squat x 10 IC

10 count and Repeato!

Zamperini down the parking lot and put up blocks and the Lt. Dans to Townley Road.

Mosey to the roundabout

Bear crawl/Lunge walk around the roundabout

Mosey to launch for Mary

  • Boxcutter x 10 IC
  • Low flutter x 20 IC
  • LBC x 10 IC

Ran out of time. Recover. Recover.



  • YHC is nursing a strained Achilles tendon, so we kept running to a minimum. By my estimation, probably 0.5 miles.
  • Hat Trick apparently got told he has some really soft hands so he came out today with no gloves. Hope all that bear crawling and crab walking helped rough up those hands.
  • Those one-hand block merkins are no joke. Be sure to use them at your next Q and piss off impress all your friends.
  • Mumblechatter was non-existent this morning. Everyone must be saving up their material for the Q v. Q showdown at Dragon Slayer tomorrow.
  • Congrats to 98 Degrees on his new baby girl. Get that ankle healed up!

Thank you for the opportunity to lead. If you are all so inclined, YHC has the Q at The General and is concocting a beatdown that will have EVEN LESS running than today (if you can believe it).


