The Pain Train Rolled Through Thunderdome

7 of NoCo's finest elected to grow stronger as they convened in the gloom at NoCo's hardest workout. Bags, bells, running, and pure grit were all that was required to climb aboard the pain train headed for Smoke City. As if that wasn't enough, 5 brave souls took on 3 miles beforehand.


  • SSH 20X IC
  • Imperial Storm Trooper 10X IC
  • Windmill 10X IC
  • Squats 10X IC

The Thang

Kettlebells in the northeast corner of GCC and sandbags in the northwest corner of the church (0.1 miles apart). PAX line up with their KB to begin each evolution

Evolution 1

  • 20 KB swings OYO
  • Run 0.1 mile to sandbags
  • 20 sandbag clean & presses OYO
  • Run 0.1 mile back to KB's
  • Repeato for a total of 5 rounds

Evolution 2

  • 20 KB goblet squats OYO
  • Run 0.1 mile to sandbags
  • 20 sandbag deadlift + high pulls OYO
  • Run 0.1 mile back to KB's
  • Repeato for a total of 4 rounds

Evolution 3

  • 20 KB lawn mowers (10 each arm) OYO
  • Run 0.1 mile to sandbags
  • 20 sandbag front squats OYO
  • Run 0.1 mile back to KB's
  • Repeato for a total of 3 rounds

Return all F3 owned KB's and sandbags back to the shed and mosey to the front of the church.


  • 20 Freddy Mercury IC
  • 15 Mason Twists IC



  • Rep totals:
    • 100 KB swings
    • 100 clean & presses
    • 80 goblet squats
    • 80 deadlift + high pulls
    • 60 lawn mowers
    • 60 front squats
    • 1.4 miles of running (according to Jedi's Strava)
  • Excellent work by all the PAX as we got after it in a hurry and didn't stop until the clock struck 0615
  • Upmost respect for these guys – no complaints, just hard work
  • FNG/Kotter week coming up the week of 6/5 – commence the emotional headlock now!
  • The Bear is 6/3 at GCC