The Panthers hit 13-0

The Gloom was thick, the fartsack was thicker for some, but not these 14 stallions, who threw off the covers, shed the warmth of the cozy bed, slipped on some high performance wicking garments, mounted their saddles, and prepared to learn what exaclty the term 'clear' meant during this fine post. 

Warm ups: R/L karaoke, mozy, high knees, kick (or goose) steppers, buttkickers, mozy to side parking lot:

COP (IC)-SSH's 13, IST's 13, Sustainable repeatably able to be picked vegetation (formerly known as cotton pickers) 13, Mountain Climbers 13, Mericans 10, stretching in there somewhere to avoid another previously mentioned calf pull.

Mozy to BigBoy Playground, divide into three groups, two cycles of:

10 pull-ups, 10 incline Mericans (IC), 10 jump ups or 5 step ups each leg (depending on your political affiliation)

Communal calf raises 20 each leg

To the picnic tables (this was no picnic, I assure you) IC- 13 dips, 5 declines, repeato,

Mozy to parking lot, COP-13 sit outs IC

Mozy to water tower for The Thang:

Circumnavigate the water town, in a balls to the wall fashion.  When 'needing a break', traveling Turkish Getups were used to advance along the tower base.  YHC used two (2) sets of breaks to relieve the extreme shoulder pain/fatigue of covering the 150 or so feet of circular horizontal distance around the WT base. (PAX looked smoked, mission accomplished). 

Mozy to back church parking lot, behind the cemetary (you've seen pictures) for third (3rd) COP:

Slow Deep Squats IC 13, leg climbers IC 10 each leg, donkey kicks IC 13 (audibled at 10—wasn't there for YHC)

Off the Chief's railroad tracks for 13 WIDE grip Mericans, IC.

Mozy to back of church, next to portico, find cozy wall spot- preacher's chair, air presses 13 IC.

Mozy to parking lot for 4th (fourth) COP, all IC: WW II's 13, LBC's 20, Box Cutters 10, Cutter Boxes 10, JLo's 13.

Recover, recover.



-Of NOTE–there were no injuries (at least overt) during today's post

-14 was a great number, considering many PAX were recovering from Cupcake's Christmas Gala

-YHC has been eyeing that water tower for some time now, but wasn't sure how to incorporate the object into a Q, but an idea come to me late last night as I learned the Panthers had moved to 13-0, so the 13 become the reps for most of our IC excercises, and the 0 was the BASE of the water tower…..get it??!!  

-Our 'RESPECTS', TickTock, DeepEnd, Cupcake…. always most impressive!! (sic-I can't promise that I'll be circlejerking some watertower, on my hands, upside down, if some peanut throws that in a Q when I'm over 50)

-FNG!- John Maloney comes to us, EH'd by Chief and Tailhook, ostensibly.  So then, Cupcake takes the mike:

-Mr. Maloney has lead a fruitful and successful capital campaign at St. Therese Catholic Church in Mooresville (which is STILL taking donations, if you wish to contribute, but your name, unlike mine, will NOT be on the beam us contributors signed which sits actively supporting the massive Jesus praising structure nestled there, quietly, on Brawley School Road, showing our Lord our unending spiritual, emotional, and financial devotion to him).  AS SUCH, referencing the alltime classic movie, 'Coming to America', during the phenomenal Sexual Chocolate scene (, when they are collecting money from the congregation for the running of the church, a senior parishoner drops in a chicken bone to the collection basket. So, since Mailman pleading in a recent Slack post, for us NOT to nickname John 'Chicken Bone', we came up with……..Gizzard! (As is HIS custom, Mailman fartsacked this Monday post, as predictable as a Panthers win on Sunday, ostensibly leaving the naming of the FNG to YHC and the Pax) Welcome, Gizzard. (and if you've never had really good chicken gizzards, you haven't lived)

-The Panthers on are now 13-0…..clearly.

-A fantastic effort by all PAX, and thanks to LoveShack for the opportunity to Q, as it's always a pleasure to lead this fine group!