31 of the finest men in Isotope chose to slimb out of the fartsack and climb a pyramid like the Egyptians.

The thang:

Mosey to the theatre parking lot


SSH X 20

IST X 20

Cotton Pickers X 20

Mountain Climbers X 20

Windmills X 20

Partner up

Mosey to retaining wall at bottom of the hill

125 Decline Mericans as a team while partner runs up hill and around barrier

Mosey to parking deck #1

250 Carolina Dry Docks as a team while partner runs up parking deck and down stairs

Mosey to patking deck #2

375 Squats as a team while partner runs up parking deck and down stairs

Mosey to parking deck # 1

500 Little Baby Crunches as a team while partner runs up parking deck and down stairs

Mosey to the Promenade

Low Flutter X 20

Rosalita X 20

Naked Man Moleskin

1) Thanks Hollywood for the opportunity to lead this fine group of men + S'Mores

2) Had a fly by for warm-o-rama by Earl Grey, a deep voiced Axle & friends, thanks for the grief

3) That was a fair amount of running

4) I believe Thug enjoys running now as he flew by me on the decks.

5) Always good to see some of the OG out  – Bama, Thug, Gnarly Goat – thanks guys

6) Titan, you are a great partner. Now, no Burpees at the General


