The Party Continues at The Cauldron for Olive and the Pax…Only One Pooper Was Pooped!

And so the anniversary party now turned into a birthday party and the festivities have landed at the Cauldon…another 1st time appearance.  A Pre Blast was sent for a running of the standard.  There were 6 eager Pax ready to get their mosey on but there was one problem…the sender was MIA.  Pax decided to head on their voyage and made an audible as a ship was coming in hot.  Black Beard and his first mate Jock Strap made their arrival…there must have been some rough seas.  Away we went.

Upon our various different arrivals, 12 Pax were eager to see what Olive had in store for them this time. 

A cool crisp somewhat humid 28 degrees would not keep this Pax cold for long.  YHC grabbed his weinke and yelled go time…we were off.

Warm O Rama

Lap around parking lot with butt kickers and high knees…amazing the number of BS calls on a simple little mosey…”I already did the standard…That’s why I got up early…BSBSBSBS”  Had to warm up the other Pax…Olive cares.

Circle Up

Good Morning Welcome (and happy birthday wishes by the Pax) Final Year of HATE (at least for some anyway)

Goofy disclosure

2 Eight Count Body Builders OYO (Provided add’l demo)  Another BS call…man, wait until the workout!

12 Mountain Climbers IC

19 Side Straddle Hops IC

7 Imperial Storm Troopers IC

Here comes a lot soul making his way…the mighty Omega…Welcome brother…as successful as you are…we need to take a collection for a GPS…or alarm clock…maybe both?

7 Cotton Pickers IC

2-12-77  The Pax were quite observant!


1 The Burpee (For good luck)

13 KB Swings IC

13 Goblet Squats IC

13 Curls IC

13 Skull Crushers IC

13 Mericans IC  Some would say…to fast???

13 Russian Twists IC

13 Chest Press with Low Flutter (No BlackBeard, we are not at Mary yet!)

13 Lawn Mowers Each Side

13 High or Upright Rows (YHC got taught a lesson to slow down…I was trying to get the pain to end quickly

13 Shoulder Press Each Arm

As I stood there, ready to pass out…I called my first 13 count…there were many spread though out…

Pax were instructed to Wash, Rinse and Repeato…

After set number two, Lego took it upon himself to help the birthday boy out and exchanged his 25lb for my 35lb…giving me some relief…As mentioned in my anniversary back blast…it is not about the workout but these men…I have nothing to prove…I was up and out there…so were they…I graciously thanked him…he maybe not so much J

Repeated one last time for three sets total…Called an audible for shoulder touch Mericans instead of regular Mericans…and got a whole bunch of BS for it…is there something I am missing??? Just in case you did not notice…3×13=39…the burpees were the one for good luck with each round.  Gee I am so witty…not

YHC looked down at his watch and there was way too much time.  My wrists, arms and shoulders were screaming but my legs were still feeling pretty good…Let’s call a couple of ol favorites…at least mine anyway…

I gave instructions which no one understood, heard or cared to listen for…maybe I was so delirious I sounded like the teacher from the peanuts.  Gathering myself, I explained to all get into a horizontal line but this one island over here…facing the island 40 yards away at the other end of the lot. 

Yay! We are in a line (this was on me just trying to have a little fun…its my party and I will screw up if I want to…maybe even cry too!)

Lunge walk to other end passing bell through legs. There was a sweet smell of some BS in the air!  I had the pleasure of lunging next to Omega…Not sure if he was dropping his bell on purpose to take me out or what…twice!  Well lets make it easier for him…

Lunge Walk back Zampirini style…Man…catching that whiff of BS again…admittedly, those last 10 yards were just plain awful…my shoulders were destroyed…I will pull a muscle tomorrow.  Thanks Olive! A$$!

With that, I proclaimed the ended of my weighted workout.

Time for MARY

I and the pax were excited to see Fiddy as I mentioned I missed his WWII situps at MMM.  Thankfully we were in for a treat.

WW2 Situps x13 Up/Down as only Fiddy Can do…oh with the BELL…not I am just a liar!

Called on Jockstrap

Crunchy Frog with the Bell ??????? x13 IC

Called on Lego…and got nervous…

Mason Twist…sans Bell  YAYYYYY (He did still have mine you know J) x13 IC

Just moments left…

Wait for it…wait for it.

Olive…Plank it out…Jockstrap noticed my ass in the air…thanks for noticing…Is how you got your name really the truth? 😉

Pax wanted 13 seconds…sorry…needed the full 40, 39 and 1 for good luck…
Recover Recover…not let me vomit…no just kidding…but close!


Man was that fun…Two great days with the Pax helping me celebrate a couple milestones…and they got a little workout as well.  I truly appreciate all the support and all the well wishes…you made this week quite special and I am super grateful.

Big shout out to BlackBeard and Frontier for running the standard.  MOTY, Jimmy O has been helping us become better runners and to see those two out there was just awesome…

Lego came up huge for me today. I really struggled for whatever reason…lack of sleep, too amped up…just plain week.  Thankfully he stepped up and noticed I was a tad out of sorts and exchanged bells…it was quite a relief for me…not so much for him but he did a pretty damn good job wielding that thing!

I think Gray Ghost has witnessed every one of my milestones this year…Thank you for the support and looking forward to watching you run at the white water center as you smoke me!

Oh Fiddy…missed that good ol UPPPPPPP DOWWWWWWNNNNNNnnnnn

Seeing Dino and Amen more and more…great work out there fellas…keep it up

Been a while since I ran into Funky Town…Good to see you again…see you at Harris Teeter (You are always checking out when I am rolling in it seems).

Jock Strap…enjoyed the F2 pace during the standard…and thanks for Ahem…commenting on my form…I swear I was looking at my watch.

Omega…glad you found the right place…great work as always…hope the shoulders were okay.

Chachi…Somewhat of a new face for me…thanks for posting and look forward to getting to know you in the gloom…when I can actually speak and breathe. 

Smokey…just a beast out there as well….fast and furious…deadly combo for F3. Great work.

Lot of mumble chatter out there.  Only negative thing about Mad Sci was not being able to engage as much.  I heard all the BS calls…and comments on speed and form.  Obviously I was just a bit excited for this and got way ahead of myself…and could not breathe…going quicker does not help that apparently.  Lesson learned. Iron sharpened.

Not much more I can add from spilling my guts on Wednesday but I am truly blessed and humbled to be part of F3 and specifically NoCo.  It’s all because of you that I post to make myself better…and hopefully I am doing the same for you.  But at the end of the day…its not about the workout…its about the brotherhood and faith we have in each other that truly strengthens us…the workouts just make the chicks dig us! J

Great job!!! TClaps.

Thanks for taking us out Lego.

Thanks to all of you.

Always Be Improving!
