The PAX agreed to go Commando. . .

We need to get Commando and John Boy into the Pax list, please!



  • 30 Goose-Steps IC (arms and legs straight, front-to-back instead of side-to-side like side straddle hops).
  • 25 Apolo Oh Yes IC (Like the Apolo Ohno except the legs don’t move. Knees bent, touch the ground on each side.)
  • 20 Girl Fights IC (arms swinging fast in a big arc).  
  • 20 Bobby Hurleys OYO.
  • 20 Metronomes IC (from the six, legs 90 degrees up, drop to each side)


  • Mosey to Railing
  • 20 Super-Slow Triceps Dips in cadence
  • 14 One-Arm Australian Pull-Ups in cadence each arm
  • Sprint to the Wall
  • 40 Wall Climbers (mountain climbers with feet on the wall)
  • Side Wall Planks one minute (on left side, facing to the left, left foot on ground, right foot high on wall, on left elbow, hold in plank, switch sides)
  • 20 Sheryl Sandbergs aka “Lean Ins” (standing, feet together about 3 feet from the wall, left shoulder and right hand against wall, push out. Switch sides.)
  • Mosey to the Rock Pile
  • Arm-O-Rama OYO (10 Full Curls/10 Shoulder Presses/10 Skull Crushers) lather, rinse, repeat while walking.
  • 80 Bent-Over Rows
  • 80 Flutter Chest Presses
  • 30 Golfzillas (nickname of long-drive champ Jason Zuback) Rock swings from side to side in front of body.
  • Mosey Back to Base Camp
  • 10 Karate Kids (one-legged squats with arms in Crane Kick position.) Roadie showed us how to defeat the Cobra Kai dojo with an awesome Crane Kick on the last rep.


  • 30 Little Baby Flutter Crunches in cadence
  • 20 V-Ups (on left elbow, right hand behind head, legs at 45 degrees on the ground, bring right elbow and knees together, switch sides)
  • 20 Metronomes IC (from the six, legs 90 degrees, drop to each side)
  • 20 Wide Leg Sit-Ups
  • Upward Dog
  • Superman (I may never do this one again because now I have that “Believe it or Not” song stuck in my head. Thanks, guys.)
  • I’ve Fallen and I Can’t Get Up (assume whatever ground position you like while contemplating the mysteries of the universe).

Recover Recover

Thanks to the 14 men who showed up and attempted (mostly successfully) to follow my Crazy Q. Stapler bestowed his 18-year-old FNG-2 son Michael with the nickname “Commando” for a certain clothing habit he had as a kid (and because he’s joining the army). Hooah! Great job keeping up with the workout today, Commando! I suggest that you post pretty regularly to prepare for boot camp!

Thanks to Primo, Snake Eyes, and others for the extra post-Q pat on the back and to Landline for the Quopportunity.