The Pax Celebrated a 5 Year Anniversary!

5 Years ago today…I decided to get out of my comfort zone and venture to what was called #ManMakerMonday.  I rolled up not knowing what to expect but for some reason I trusted my foot doctor…a dude named Snoopy.  As I approached the group, they asked who I was and doing my research, I quickly said a Friendly New Guy.  Someone gave me a kettle bell, a dude (now MIA) Dill led the workout, and this other guy named Moses gave me a goofy name called Olive.  It also happens to be my twitter 5 year anniversary as forever known as F3_Olive.  To say I took the DRP was an understatement.  From that moment, to this morning, I have needed my “brothers of the gloom” each and every day…and we know more days than others.  Grateful for the opportunity to Q, on my 5 year anniversary at the place where this crazy thing all started…

5 for the Standard which included Stromboli, Outlaw, Omega, Soprano and Hippie.

Rolled up and planted the Operation Sweet Tooth shovel flag.

Exchanged some pleasantries, waited for some usual late comers and we were off.

Pledge of Allegiance



Lap on the track mixing in buttkickers, high knees and Karioke.

Grab bells and zampirini to Vern lane of the lot.


All exercises IC

15 SSH

10 Windmill

10 IST

10 Mountain Climbers

10 Merkins

Arm circles F and B

1 burpee


The Thang


P1 runs to the hoop and back (precurser to the Vern which I will not be Q’ing but will be at #Gladiator)

P2 Performs exercises.  Cousin Eddie, Deep Dish and I had the biggest “bells” so we tripled up.


100 KB Swings

200 Overhead Press

300 skull crushers (or soul crushers)

Plank or run more laps waiting on the 6


Rinse and Repeato with different exercises

100 Chest Press

200 Curls

300 Squats

Plank or run more laps waiting on the 6


Zampirini back to cars and circle up

M. A. R. Y.

All exercise in Cadence

15 Russian Twist

15 LBC

15 Dying Cock A Roacha

15 Low flutter

15 WWII on my up and down

15 J Lo or maybe Shakira…whichever your preference

5 burpees OYO




Although this was about me…in all reality, this is all about each and everyone of you.  I am not here, 5 years later, still standing, and trying to push myself without my brothers.  Early on it was to get better and work on my weaknesses…then it became to help me mourn the loss of my daughter…then to support my organization to help others and now its all of the above.  I will never be in the shape, mentally and physically I was back on 2/10/2015.  But, I am stronger than I have ever been because your iron sharpens mine, and because of your shieldlock, I know I can live #onedaycloser because I have the strength of hundreds/thousands.

Thank you for the continued support, in and out of the gloom…I would not be here if not for all of you!


Now that the mushy stuff is out of the way:

My partner, Cousin Eddie, miscounts…a lot.  Much to Deep Dish and YHC’s benefit.

Transplant Gump did not get in the social hour as he would have hoped for.

Outlaw is…well Outlaw…I mean only 6 burpees and still complaining?  Geez.

Dill missed my shout out.

The rain held out.

Someone should have called an audible on 300 skull crushers…what the hell was I thinking?

And that, Omega is why this non-runner decided to run…break up the BS.

Board meeting 2/16

Thanks Mayhem for the Christina Latini Memorial 8K plug (I paid him to say that).  But please support…just protected the Pax by having Cornelius install AEDs at BRP and General. 

As always, humbled by the support.

Live Life.  Own Every Second.  Never, Never Take Anything For Granted.

Humbly Yours-

